WHMP: 26 July 2018

It’s D-day!!

I can honestly say the last 31 days have been amazing, challenging and rewarding all at the same time. I have committed to maintaining a high focus and high intensity to get me in the best possible place and ready for my apronectomy.

I committed to 3 meals and 3 snacks a day incorporating fresh veggies into my day. A minimum of 1.8L of fluids a day. Throughout each week I wanted to do high intensity exercise of over 800 calories burnt in a workout at least 4 times a week but also listening to my body and allow my body to rest when I needed it.

I did it. Most days I hit my targets with food and fluids, some days I didn’t. I absolutely smashed my exercise goals out of the park. I made wise and informed food choices throughout this period but also at times made some questionable choices and I did this completely guilt free.

After only a small loss after the first week I decided not to weigh in for the remainder of the period and I have weighed in this morning.

So over the last 31 days I am excited to have lost 3.1kg taking my grand total to 97.1kg

I will be heading off to the hospital in the next 20 minutes. The million dollar question is how am I feeling and to be honest I am not really sure. I feel nervous. I feel excited. I feel impatient. I feel confused. I feel stressed. I feel relieved. I feel happy. I feel hungry….these are just a few things I’m feeling but most importantly I FEEL READY!

To kill time this morning, I have packed my bags.

I took my little guy to school.

I have done a face mask.

I’ve finished all the laundry and cleaned the house from top to bottom.

Yup….I am ready!

The time has come to say bye bye once and for all to Bertha
