WHMP: 29 July 2017

Today is going to be short and sweet (not actually that sweet really) today.

I woke up at 4am having another acute episode of pain, got some pain relief into me to take off the edge however the pain didn’t subside at all and I couldn’t get back to sleep. Between then and when the doctor arrived I had another 3 acute episodes with the last of them actually occurring as the surgical team arrived. As horrible as it was it was an eye opening experience for the medical team to see the episodes and how much discomfort they bring, he could even feel my stomach moving as it was contracting in pain.

I am officially an enigma case and they can’t quite put a finger on what is actually going on so they want to do a couple more tests. I will be doing a swallow test/x-ray over the weekend and it’s more than likely I will be scheduled for an endoscopy on Monday to have an internal viewing to see if we can find the cause. So I’m definitely having a weekend in the hospital.

Throughout the day I had 9 episodes which has been more than the last couple days which is potentially attritbuted to the reintroduction of food.

I am very over it, drained, exhausted and impatient but I know this is unfortunately where I need to be as I simple wouldn’t cope without the pain relief available to me here.

With my fasting ban lifted I am now able to have access to the HEP Menu (High energy high protein) and the serves are ridiculously huge.

While I ordered a ‘small’ serving I still got this mammoth plate of food which I still couldn’t even get 1/4 of the way through it and it felt and sounds like early days when I started real food again post op. Obviously Percy did a bit of resetting during his food vacation and needs to readjust to being used again.

So all in all……I’m eating and Percy has forgotten how to. I’m still here. I’m still in pain. I’m still impatient and over it. I’m missing my boys like mad. And I’m damn tired! I honestly can’t wait to be able to write a happy positive and inspiring post again.