WHMP: 16 September 2017

So I had my lotus leggings Wonder Woman leggings delivered a month ago. I was delighted when they fit even though I couldn’t actually breathe with them and Wonder Woman looked like she was blind drunk with a completely warped and distorted face. Was getting ready to head off to the gym for one of my two big weekly sessions and thought I’m feeling pretty good this morning, dedicated, committed, energetic and like I was channelling my inner Wonder Woman so maybe I would try them on again. They comfortably fit!

And no blind drunk distortion in sight! She looked completely normal!!

Wonder Woman for the win!!

I dragged Kimmie along with me today and gave her the option of cardio or cardio and weights. She picked whatever I wanted to do hahaha I think she may have regretted that as we were there for nearly 2 hours. Smashing out 25 minutes cardio, 3 rotations of weights and finishing off with another 35 minutes of cardio. I’m very happy with my 980 calorie burning session.

While we were there we had a friendly and chatty lady who was celebrating that she had lost weight by the gym scales. She was talking about how difficult it is to lose weight and the balance of eating right etc and I was politely agreeing as I was trying to pedal my way through the resistance levels on the cross trainer. She asked me if I had lost any weight? My reply – yeah just a bit, while I could feel Kimmie quietly smirking behind me. The lady then asked how much if I didn’t mind her asking. When I replied saying 72kg you would have thought that I had shot her with a slug gun as she was completely gob smacked and asked 5 times if she heard correctly. She the commented that I was being entitled to be so literal about my being Wonder Woman. I bit of a giggle!!

When I got home from the gym I was exhausted and hungry. I refuelled with some bacon, halloumi, Mushroom and tomato cook up and then I thought it would be a good idea since the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day mow all the lawns! 35 minutes and 386 calories later all the lawns at our house are looking beautiful!

So my question for the day am I Wonder Woman or should I start to wonder who this new woman with all this dedication is????