WHMP: 4 October 2017

It’s weigh in Wednesday again, I know I say this every week but it really does come around so quickly every week!

The last week has not been great for me as the little guy has been very unsettled which has severely effected his sleep. Instead of waking every night for an hour he’s been waking multiple times for at least an hour each or the ultimate of the ultimate was last night when he was awake for 5 hours! I have been snacking during this middle of the night stints, admittedly I’m making healthier snacking choices however it’s not normally food that I would be having post sleeve. This made me exceptional nervous for today’s weigh in as I know I haven’t been making the best choices and haven’t been as disciplined as I should be.

I’m not making excuses for my choices, they are my choices that I probably shouldn’t be making but I am acknowledging them and now going to refocus and start focusing on better choices!

Having said all of that I am pleasantly surprised that despite this I have still managed a decent loss this week.

This week – 0.9kg

Since surgery – 57.2kg

Total – 76.1kg

My day started heading off to the GP. I needed to get a couple skin irritations looked at, both as a result of my surgery. I haven’t seen my GP since about February, she didn’t recognise me in the change room and was completely floored with my changes to the point of my making me do a twirl to “check me out”. It’s so nice to have my health care provider getting visibly choked up and teary with how proud she is of me and how far I have come.

The first skin issue is related to my super woman skin cape (aka all my excess skin).  Particularly my belly button but also my under my apron where my pelvis is I am having skin irritations that are red raw, swollen and with a revolting slight infection. I have been keeping it dry as possible with corn flour and using anti-fungal creams to try and combat/ manage things in collaboration with really tight undergarments to try and keep things where they should be BUT it’s just not keeping the irritation contained. She has prescribed me an anti-bacterial cream with steroids in it to use 2 times a day to try and keep things under control before they get even worse. And I have to learn to manage accordingly as we all know it’s going to get much worse before it gets better!!

The second skin issue is predominately on my pinky and in the join between my second and third finger and now has also spread to above and below my lip. I have developed dermatitis, this is something I have never experienced in my life until now. My little finger is by far the worst, to the point it’s cracked and at times bleeding. My GP told me off for leaving it so long to have it looked at to the point it’s now slightly infected. In my defence who on earth goes to the doctor for a sore little finger!!

So I have a steroid laden dermatitis cream to use on the area twice a day and I need to sleep with my hand wrapped in glad wrap to keep the area moist to help promote recovery as soon as possible. Back in a couple weeks to get it checked out and make sure it’s suitably healing or I will need a referral to a dermatologist for review.

Today was a designer day for me! For the first time in my entire life I have worn designer label clothes. Thanks to an extremely kind and generous heart of another sleever who has posted me some absolutely stunning Calvin Klein dresses that are too big for her. I am so very grateful to her generosity! I finished the gorgeous dress off with another re-homed cardigan from another dear friend who has also shared some of her clothes that are too big for her.

So here is me in my designer Calvin Klein dress….

Feeling good and feeling confident within myself but I am not gonna lie, it’s nice to hear the mountain of compliments that I got today!