WHMP: 16 November 2017

My sleeve is a tool to help me live my life in a happier and healthier way.

My sleeve doesn’t make my decisions, I make my decision and I decide that life is for living and for my it means a balance and this include some “bad” things in moderation. Today I ate peanut butter off a spoon……

And I don’t feel one bit bad! Today I also had KFC and I don’t feel one bit bad!

In realistic terms I don’t do it every day and instead of eating a gigantic all stars box upsized I had a small grilled chicken slider.

I am human, sometimes I make consciously “bad” food decisions and you know what I am not only ok with it….I am happy with it. I have had so much personal growth in the last 10 months that I can stop, acknowledge and recognise my decisions are sometimes decision and that is ok to make those decisions without guilt.

I had a hair dressers appointment tonight. I walked through the door and Luke didn’t even recognise me. That’s the 4th person in a fortnight that hasn’t recognised me…..

I also had a NSV with the hairdresser chair! My arse is no longer squished into the chair like a whale on a sardine tin. I can comfortably sit in the chair AND to top it off my legs didn’t touch the arms rest in either side! Now THAT is a huge NSV!!

I’m a bit questionable about my haircut. Love the colour but not 100% convinced on the cut, I will review tomorrow when I get to style myself in the morning!