WHMP: 1 March 2018

So today and tomorrow I am attending resilience and wellbeing training for work.

The one thing that resonated the most with me throughout my first day was the section where we spent talking about cultivating gratitude. I think this sat close to home as over the last 15 months I have been on a journey of not only weight loss but also of self discovery and self awareness.

So a part of my “homework” for the night was to right down three things that went well in the last 24 hours. Being: and event, something good, goals you’ve achieve or individuals who care for you?

So it’s all good and well name these things but to cultivate this concept of gratitude it’s important to take it to the next level and to consider and reflect why did it go well? And how did you or other contribute?

  1. I am grateful for my amazing personal trainer.

She came into my life as I was only just becoming comfortable in the world of gym’s and she has always been so kind, understanding and full of information about the services available at the gym.

Since starting my regular Thursday morning “torture” session with her she has become an amazing inspiration and motivation to me keeping me focused, keeping me challenged, changing things up, being my food guinea pig for new recipes and listening to me whinge, bitch and moan more than I probably should during my session!

Today I am grateful for my Thursday morning PT session, even on days when it’s a struggle to get up at stupid o’clock I push myself beyond what I ever thought was imaginable!

2. I am grateful that the Taskboard Launch at the Royal Adelaide Hospital has been a roaring success

This week has been a big week for me professionally in which a major component of one of my work projects has been launched at the biggest hospital in the state.

I am grateful that the launch has gone off without a hitch and the feedback has been beyond positive for all staff that they are feeling more supported and most importantly it is positively impacting on improved patient care.

Why did it go so well, from months of coordination, team work, planning and having a cracking good software package I have written.

Not only am I grateful about the success of the launch, I’m also proud of myself and the entire team involved.

3. My family

The journey that I have been on and am continuing on. While it has been centred around me and my personal pursuit for health and happiness it has also inadvertently impacted on my entire family network.

I am eternally grateful for the ongoing love, support and encouragement that my family give to me on a daily basis. I am appreciative for the support that they give me to have the capacity to go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I am graciously learning to accept the compliments that I get from them and taking the time to not only hear what they are saying to me but to also listen and believe it.

I love my family and they are my biggest support network which there are no words for how grateful I am for them!!