Honey Cashew Protein Balls

Honey Cashew Protein Balls

Makes: 8


  • 150g unsalted cashews
  • 2 scoops (60g) vanilla protein powder
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • Up to 1 tablespoon water


  • Place the cashews and protein powder into a food processor and pulse until you have a meal texture
  • Add in the honey and pulse 3 times to mix the honey through evenly
  • Gradually add the water in 1/2 teaspoon at a time until the mixture can be pinched together and rolled
  • Divide the mixture into 8 even portions and using damp hands roll the mixture in the palms of your hands to get smooth balls
  • Place in the fridge for an hour to set.

Nutritional Value per Ball:

  • Calories: 153
  • Total fat: 8.1g
  • Total carbohydrates: 11.7g
  • Sugars: 7.1g
  • Protein: 9.6g

Recipe Notes:

  • Store in an air tight container in the fridge for a maximum of 3 days
  • This recipe is freezer friendly to be consumed within 6 months
  • Protein powder used in the recipe is Protein Supplies Australia WPI Fast Release protein powder
  • You can buy online from www.proteinsuppliesaustralia.com.au
  • Use the Discount code holly10 at checkout to get a 10% discount

Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes. The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.

Brown Rice Salad

Brown Rice Salad

Makes: 4 portions


  • 2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 onion, finely diced
  • 1/2 celery stalk, finely diced
  • 1 garlic clove, finely diced
  • 2 asparagus stalks, sliced
  • 1 mushroom, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons frozen baby peas
  • 2 tablespoons frozen corn kernels
  • 1 bacon chop, finely diced
  • 125g cooked brown rice**
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce


  • Heat the oil in a heavy based non stick frying pan and add in the onion, celery and garlic sautéing for 2-3 minutes or until the onion starts to become translucent
  • Add in the bacon chop, asparagus, mushroom, peas and corn and continue to sauté for a further 2-3 minutes until the vegetables are slightly under cooked
  • Add in the cooked brown rice and soy sauce tossing through the mixture until well combined
  • Serve warm or cold.

**an alternative to cooking your own brown rice in a small portion is to purchase the pre-cooked brown rice microwave cups, one microwave cup/portion is needed for this recipe

Nutritional Value per portion:

  • Calories: 113
  • Total fat: 5.2g
  • Total carbohydrates: 10.9g
  • Sugars: 0.7g
  • Protein: 4.7g

Recipe Notes:

  • Store covered in the fridge for a maximum of 2 days
  • This recipe is freezer friendly to be consumed within 6 months
  • Bacon chop can be substituted with two trimmed bacon rashers

Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes. The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.

WHMP: 9 March 2018

So once again it’s been a while between WHMP blog posts so thought I would touch base and update the exciting things that have been happening.  In my last post I did I was in the middle of attending well being and resilience training for work.  It was an interesting couple of day but has made me reflect which I am doing very well and achieving some great things in my work at the moment I am very self-focused at the moment.  Not in a self absorbed or selfish manner, just centred within myself to be the best version of myself I can possible be.

As a part of day 2 of the rest we all had to complete a self assessment to determine you “Character Strengths” through the VIA website  https://www.viacharacter.org/www/Character-Strengths/Science-Of-Character

My reported top 7 character strengths were an interesting reflection and somewhat revealing my current situation.  And after reading them I couldn’t actually dispute what the outcome was and in fact it’s a pretty good assessment of me.  It also showed that it’s more relevant to my weight loss journey therefore it being the focus in my life currently.

There were my results:

1 Kindness
You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favour.  You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you don’t know them well.

2 Hope
You expect the best in the future, and you work to achieve it. You believe that the future is something that you can control.

3 Honesty
You are a straightforward person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a “real” person.

4 Zest
You approach all experiences with excitement and energy. You never do anything halfway or halfheartedly. For you, life is an adventure.

5 Social Intelligence
You are aware of the motives and feelings of other people.  You know what to do to fit in to different social situations, and you know what to do to put others at ease.

6 Humor
You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.

7 Humility
You do not seek the spotlight, preferring to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You do not regard yourself as special, and others recognize and value your modesty.

These definitions have been directly copied and pasted from the VIA Institution on Character website from the Character Strengths using the results of my personal response to the Free VIA Survey.

This made me reflect that I am generally a good kind hearted person and I’m proud of who I am as a person.

I have also had my February body measurements taken since the last post in which I have lost a further 12cm from my 6 body measurements with the biggest loss being 5cm off my waist and for the first time in a long time I have lost some measurements off my calf.  Both of these results would be why in the last month I have had an increasing number of comments in regards to how “tiny” my waist is looking – I still find it somewhat hilarious that anyone would use tiny as an adjective to describe a part of my body!!  This would also explain why in the last month I have FINALLY found a part of my body that I not only like but I’m actually learning to LOVE!!!!

In the past week I have also, although probably still prematurely, had delved into the world of the next stage of my weight loss journey being the world of plastic and reconstructive surgery.  Which I like to call my “relocation services” as I will have all my body part picked up and surgically reattached to where they are supposed to belong.  Ideally I would be at goal weight before I would even consider having any form of surgery which would be completed over 2 different surgeries. Firstly the bottom half, full tummy tuck and legs done and secondly the boobs and arms tidied up.  However given that I have lost just shy of 90kg, I am very physically active and I am having a copious amount of weight loss world problems because of the excess skin my surgeon has suggest we consider adding in an extra surgery before we do the two intended surgeries. He has suggested that once my weight loss starts to stabilise and I hit my first real plateau that we consider my having and apronectomy.  This being basically just the removal of all the problematic excess skin in the apron area and once I have recovered will reduce the limitation, particularity when it comes to movement and exercise to help me get to the goal weight needed for the complete relocations procedures.

I go back in 3 months to see how I am travelling and where I am up to in my journey to see if we are ready to consider the apronectomy.  To hear that this is even an option makes me beyond happy as it pain that the apron causes especially during exercise  in the apron area as well as my lower back is not something that I enjoy at all.  It has given me hope and focus that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I am also so elated and comfortable with my choice of surgeons and I’m excited about the future and I know I am in excellent hands.

I have been a little bit stressed with all the miscommunication and social media coverage in regards to the forthcoming changes to BUPA private health insurance coverage so I decided to bite the bullet and go into BUPA and find out exactly what was going on as I discovered with the changes my cover would be impacted and without upgrading I would not actually be covered for plastic and reconstructive surgery, due to medical reasons.  So I have not upgraded my cover and there will be no waiting periods in place as I have upgraded during the transition period so I have peace of mind that from a health insurance perspective I am covered and it’s ready to go when my body is ready.

After my successful and positive appointment during the day on Tuesday I had a lovely surprise on Tuesday night and got to catch up with a girlfriend and her youngest who I haven’t seen since before I had surgery as she now lives in Canberra.  Needless to say she was somewhat gob-smacked with how I looked and at my transformation that I have made in a short period of time.  She was also over the moon to try some of my delicious but healthy treats in the fridge and both her and her kids loved my new NutBerry Bars.  It’s hard for me to see the progress as I see myself daily and it’s been a transitional thing for me, and also for Jamie.  So it’s been a great reflection to have that feedback from someone I love with all my heart and respect beyond words that I haven’t seen in a long long time.  I guess this is the transition that she has seen.

I also had my standard Wednesday weekly weigh in this week sitting at the same stable weight at the week before of 88.9kg lost.

Wednesday night I head off after work to the Ed Sheeran concert at the Adelaide Oval.  It was such an usual feeling that I had being normal and feeling like I just easily blended in as just one of the 60,000 people in the crowd.  I was not the eye sore anyone that everyone awkwardly gawked at feeling pity on or being disgusted at my size.  I really enjoyed the concert and it was nice to be able to stand for 3 hours without being physically uncomfortable or distressed from carrying around the extra weight.

I did have a bit of a funny turn in the middle of the concert where I had a massive dizzy spell and the world starting to feel like I was about to go arse up.  Luckliy my dear friend Fi, helped me to the group, I lent back and took in a few deep breathes and got a gust of fresh air amongst all the people and within a couple songs I came good again.  I could only attribute this to over the day I simply did not eat enough.  I forgot my lunchbox of Wednesday so ended up buying my lunch and dinner both being variations of soup which clearly wasn’t adequate in calories, carbs and protein for me to trek all over Adelaide and continue to function without passing out.  Crisis averted and no pass out or first aid required in the middle of the concert.

I have also had my next round of appointments with my bariatric surgeons clinic.  I had my next appointment with the bariatric GP and my amazing dietician.  I have come to the conclusion that no matter how well I am actually doing I still get crazy nervous about any appointments at ABC.  I get the feeling this is what it would be like being called to the principals office at school, however I can only imagine that is how it feels as realistically I was a goody two-shoes who didn’t get called to the principals office hahaha.  I also have come to realise that I “dress up” when I go to these appointments not only finding the right clothes that are light weight and weigh the least but also clothes that actually visually impactful.  This is what i decided on this appointment.

Of course when you get to your appointment you weigh in, the dreaded scales.  Knowing that their scales are always higher than mine at home and I’m actually attired unlike my weigh ins at home, I was actually elated with the results being only 800g heavier than my scales at home (when previously it’s been 2.5kg heavier).  This means by there scales I have lost exactly 88kg.

My first appointment was with Kiki, we had a chat and went through all the normal its and bits.  We then did my waist measurements which came back that I have lost 67cm  and my hips measurement which I have lost another 62cm since my first appointment with her a few weeks pre-op.  I have also lost another 8kg in the 3 months since my last appointment so my average weekly weight loss is now sitting at around 700g which is great for 15 months post op. Two thumbs up from that appointment with the sign off that I’m doing amazing things and rocking my new style.

My second appointment was with Nick, we had a chat again going through my diet, my fluids,  my multivitamins, discussing my hair loss stabilising and generally overall how I am travelling from a nutritional perspective.  So food wise….I’m doing excellent, my portion control is good, my choices are great, my fluids are at an adequate level (but could be slightly improved if I am  honest with myself).  One area of concern is the 3pm flat lining that I have been experiencing of late which has resulting in me getting cranky, having dizzy spells and experiencing headaches.  This has been attributed to my lack of carbs in my diet.  So to combat these symptoms I am needing to add in an extra 20g of carbs in my daily intake which is due to my high impact, high intensity and high yield of calories that I am burning at the gym.  I also need to have a think about potentially scaling back on my frequency of weights in the gym and focusing a little bit more on cardio as given my overall size I don’t want to built too much more muscle mass and need to focus more in reducing the excess fat still on my frame.  We also adjusted my goal to be more realistic for my height and frame from 85kg to 90kg meaning that I actually only have less than 30kg to get to the end game.

We have also discovered that in the process I have missed my 12 month post op appointment with Lilian herself, so that has been scheduled for 3 months time.  So in June I am back to ABC to see Lilian and the back to see Nick and Kiki in 6 months time.

I am honestly starting to feel like I am in a good place, actually strike that I’m in a great place with how I am travelling and I really feel like my brain is finally starting to catch up with the program even if my eyes still cant see the progress because I look like an ET shaped candle that is melting!!

Nutberry Bars

Nutberry Bars

Makes: 16 bars


  • 2 bananas, ripe bananas
  • 2 apples, cored and grated
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons melted coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 & 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 3 scoops (90g) vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1 cup mixed nuts, chopped
  • 1 cup frozen berries, chopped
  • 1/2 cup dried goji berries


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a slice tray with baking paper and spray with cooking tray
  • Peel and break up the bananas then mash with a fork
  • Add in the eggs, coconut oil, milk and grated apple and mix until well combined
  • Add in the remaining ingredients and mix until just combined
  • Pour into the prepared slice tin evenly pressing down
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes until golden and a cake skewer comes out clear
  • Allow to cool in the slice tin for 20 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely
  • Slice into even sized pieces with a bread knife.

Nutritional Value per portion:

  • Calories: 182
  • Total fats: 9.5g
  • Total carbohydrates: 18.7g
  • Sugars: 7.5g
  • Protein: 7.8g

Recipe Notes:

  • Store in an airtight container in the fridge for a maximum of 5 days
  • This recipe is freezer friendly to be consumed within 6 months
  • Protein powder used in the recipe is Protein Supplies Australia WPI Fast Release protein powders
  • You can buy online from www.proteinsuppliesaustralia.com.au
  • Use the Discount code holly10 at checkout to get a 10% discount

Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes. The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.

Protein Enriched Tzatziki

Protein Enriched Tzatziki

Makes: 6 portions (approximately 1/4 cup per portion)


  • 1 cup natural yoghurt
  • 2 scoops (60g) pure protein powder
  • 1 garlic clove, finely diced
  • 1/3 cucumber, finely diced
  • 1/2 cup shredded fresh mint
  • 1/4 cup shredded fresh coriander
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil


  • Stir through protein powder through the yoghurt until well combined
  • Add in the remaining ingredients and still until well combined
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.

Nutritional Value per portion:

  • Calories: 69
  • Total fat: 1.7g
  • Total carbohydrates: 3.8g
  • Sugars: 1.2g
  • Protein: 9.9g

Recipe Notes:

  • Store in an air tight container in the fridge for up to 7 days
  • This recipe is not freezer friendly
  • Protein powder used in the recipe is Protein Supplies Australia WPI Fast Release protein powders
  • You can buy online from www.proteinsuppliesaustralia.com.au
  • Use the Discount code holly10 at checkout to get a 10% discount

Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes. The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.

Coffee Protein Balls

Coffee Protein Balls

Makes: 6


  • 100g pitted dates
  • 2 scoops (60g) coffee protein powder
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil


  • Place the dates in a heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water for 15-20 minutes
  • Drain the liquid ensuring you keep and set aside the liquid
  • Place the soaked dates, protein powder, cashews and coconut flour in a food processor and blend until you get a meal like texture
  • Add in the coconut oil and pulse a couple times until well blended
  • Add in the reserved date soaking water 1/2 teaspoon at a time until you have added enough until the mixture can be squashed and moulded into balls
  • Divide the mixture into 6 equal portions and form the balls
  • Place in the fridge for 2 hours to set before consuming

Nutritional Value per Ball:

  • Calories: 150
  • Total fats: 5.1g
  • Total carbohydrates: 16.7
  • Sugars: 11.8g
  • Protein: 10.6g

Recipe Notes:

  • Store in an air tight container in the fridge for a maximum of 5 days
  • This recipe is freezer friendly to be consumed within 6 months
  • Protein powder used in the recipe is Protein Supplies Australia WPI Fast Release protein powders
  • You can buy online from www.proteinsuppliesaustralia.com.au
  • Use the Discount code holly10 at checkout to get a 10% discount

Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes. The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.

WHMP: 1 March 2018

So today and tomorrow I am attending resilience and wellbeing training for work.

The one thing that resonated the most with me throughout my first day was the section where we spent talking about cultivating gratitude. I think this sat close to home as over the last 15 months I have been on a journey of not only weight loss but also of self discovery and self awareness.

So a part of my “homework” for the night was to right down three things that went well in the last 24 hours. Being: and event, something good, goals you’ve achieve or individuals who care for you?

So it’s all good and well name these things but to cultivate this concept of gratitude it’s important to take it to the next level and to consider and reflect why did it go well? And how did you or other contribute?

  1. I am grateful for my amazing personal trainer.

She came into my life as I was only just becoming comfortable in the world of gym’s and she has always been so kind, understanding and full of information about the services available at the gym.

Since starting my regular Thursday morning “torture” session with her she has become an amazing inspiration and motivation to me keeping me focused, keeping me challenged, changing things up, being my food guinea pig for new recipes and listening to me whinge, bitch and moan more than I probably should during my session!

Today I am grateful for my Thursday morning PT session, even on days when it’s a struggle to get up at stupid o’clock I push myself beyond what I ever thought was imaginable!

2. I am grateful that the Taskboard Launch at the Royal Adelaide Hospital has been a roaring success

This week has been a big week for me professionally in which a major component of one of my work projects has been launched at the biggest hospital in the state.

I am grateful that the launch has gone off without a hitch and the feedback has been beyond positive for all staff that they are feeling more supported and most importantly it is positively impacting on improved patient care.

Why did it go so well, from months of coordination, team work, planning and having a cracking good software package I have written.

Not only am I grateful about the success of the launch, I’m also proud of myself and the entire team involved.

3. My family

The journey that I have been on and am continuing on. While it has been centred around me and my personal pursuit for health and happiness it has also inadvertently impacted on my entire family network.

I am eternally grateful for the ongoing love, support and encouragement that my family give to me on a daily basis. I am appreciative for the support that they give me to have the capacity to go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I am graciously learning to accept the compliments that I get from them and taking the time to not only hear what they are saying to me but to also listen and believe it.

I love my family and they are my biggest support network which there are no words for how grateful I am for them!!

Baked Raspberry Protein Cheesecake

Baked Raspberry Protein Cheesecake

Makes: 6


  • 125g cream cheese
  • 160g raspberry high protein yoghurt
  • 1 egg
  • 2 scoops (60g) vanilla protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon stevia (optional)
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, roughly chopped


  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius and place a silicon muffin tray on a baking tray
  • Place the cream cheese, yoghurt, egg, protein powder and stevia in a blender or food processor and blend until perfectly smooth
  • Pour the mixture evenly between the six wells in silicon muffin tray
  • Evenly sprinkle the chopped raspberries into the cheesecake mixture and gently stir
  • Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes until the outside edge is set with a gentle wobbled in the middle
  • Allow to cool for 30 minutes before placing in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours to set.

Nutritional Value per Cheesecake:

  • Calories: 130
  • Total fats: 6.2g
  • Carbohydrates: 4g
  • Sugar: 2.8g
  • Protein: 12.5g

Recipe Notes:

• Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days

• This recipe is freezer friendly however best served fresh

• Protein powder used in the recipe is Protein Supplies Australia WPI Fast Release protein powders

• You can buy online from www.proteinsuppliesaustralia.com.au

• Use the Discount code holly10 at checkout to get a 10% discount

Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes. The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.

WHMP: 28 February 2018

So it’s been a while between my “When Holly Met Percy” blog posts so thought it was timely to touch base.

The last fortnight has been somewhat challenging. Not from a sleeve perspective but from a work perspective as I have a whole tirade of unexpected stresses that I have been trying to process but I have pushed through and survived.

I have however had some great things happen in my personal growth, development and self affirmations.

I had a body composition scan. This is an X-ray style scan which gives you a full break down of your body composition.

While the picture is FAR from flattering is has lots of positives that I can see.

I was completely shocked that there was no red or even orange which indicates dense and pure fat within my scan. I am also pleasantly surprised with the amount and density of the blue, which indicates muscle, within the scan. The lady who did the scan commented that it’s the biggest and most vibrant amount of blue that she has every seen within a person of my size. While the picture is confronting and unflattering I am delighted that I can see the positives and the evidence of my hard work paying off.

She also went on to talk about my percentage of body fat. I was honestly expecting my body fat percentage to be sitting at around 50% that was indicated in the “monitor my weight” app that I use as my weight tracker. The results of the scan actually indicate that my actual percentage of body fat is only 30%.

Chatted on the graph above I am actually sitting below average (the average percentage of body fat is indicated by the blue line) of percentage of body fat for females my age of 36. I find it rewarding and also a sense of disbelief that I am below average.

So the overall results 4% bone mass, 66% muscle mass and 30% fat mass…..and my head weighs 4.1kg which I find it somewhat hilarious.

I was also introduced to the Fat Mass Index (FMI) scale which I didn’t know even existed. The FMI scale is supposed to be more reliable than the more well known BMI scale as it considers your percentage of body fat and actually isn’t distorted by the weight of my excess skin or the weight of the muscle that I have developed working hard at the gym.

My FMI classification is 12.50

Considering the BMI scale I am still considered Obese Class II however within the FMI scale I am considered overweight/excess fat.

I am so delighted that while I can’t see physical transformations that I made because of the deformities of my excess skin, this scan has really given me peace of mind that underneath that skin coating I am progressing and improving!

Because I am feeling comfortable and proud Tuesday was a full of beans and full of energy heading off to the gym on Tuesday morning.

So much so that when my amazing PT was joking around when she suggested I use the leg press with her sitting on it….

I took up the challenge and can proudly say that I can leg press an adult and man did I laugh while doing it! I think everyone in the gym thought we were crazy with the amount of fun and happy noise we were making.

When I got home, I was feeling confident and decided that I would do my first every exposed side my side. I am normally always covered up with the skin hiding but today I am showing my midriff.

So my Tuesday was a great Tuesday yesterday.

Today was my weekly weigh in. My last few weeks have been up and down, up and down and hovering around minimal loss. Today I am elated to have a big number reflected on the scales!

This week – 1.8kg

Total – 88.9kg

Wow just wow…..only 1.1kg off of losing 90kg. I can’t even fathom these changes.

WHMP: 16 February 2018

What is one of the most common questions I get asked by people who have not yet had weight loss surgery or who are considering having weight loss surgery?

“Will I ever enjoy food again?”

And the short answer is simple….ABSOLUTELY!!

The long answer is yes you will enjoy food again, but it will not be in the way you have known your entire life.  Your relationship to food will change therefore it’s about developing a new relationship to your thoughts and approach to food to ensure that you continuing enjoying food.

So let me put some context behind this statement and have a discussion about addiction.

Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance or engages in an activity that can be pleasurable but the continuation of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary responsibilities and concerns, such as work, relationships, or health.

Definition sourced from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/addiction

So essentially an addiction is having or doing something that in the short term meets an initial need but in the longer term has a detrimental effect to your life.

So this leads me to one simple conclusion, pre-surgery I was addicted to food.  Eating was an action that I did to meet my immediate need being hunger, boredom or an emotional need.  This eating from addition in the long term had the detrimental effect of my ending up morbidly obese and struggling to cope with going through the motions of everyday life.

If you compare the addiction of food to that of other addictions like smoking, alcohol, drugs or even gambling.  To overcome these addictions you end up eliminating them from your life and living an improved and healthier life without these addiction in your life.  You can easily continue living without these things in your life.  So what about a food addiction?? You can’t eliminate food from your life, you need food to survive.

So if I can’t eliminate food from my life as I need nutrition from food to survive I go back to the original concept of food addressing the short term needs.  So instead of elimination of the problem, why not treat the cause……what is causing the short term need.

It has taken me 14 months to realise this now that I am on “the bench” that food was my comfort. No matter what stresses and external pressure I had happening in my life, the one thing I could always count on to be there was food.  No matter how bad things were the one thing I could control and the one thing that I could count on was that food would always immediately provide me with happiness.  This relationship with food had to change and instead of seeking comfort from food to whatever was going on with life I needed to learn to adjust and accept the situation in less self-destructive ways

My sleeve has not made this change with my thinking.  It’s me…..I have made this change acknowledging that my sleeve has been the catalyst to make the changes I needed to make.

This hasn’t happened overnight as some miracle cure that as a part of removing my stomach that they implanted a chip to fix everything.  This has been evolution where I have become more self-aware of my feelings and emotions.  I have learnt to stop and take time for myself to understand and allow myself to feel whatever I am feeling.  It’s ok to be happy, it’s ok to be sad, it’s ok to be angry, it’s ok to be disappointed and it’s ok the articulate and express these feelings.  What is not ok is for me to suppress these feelings and seek comfort in my old friend food.

My addiction to food may always be in the back of the mind, but I guess in essence I have replaced this addiction.  I am now addicted to myself and now I seek that short term comfort from myself.  To stop and take the time to acknowledge and understand me and my surroundings.  I am worth investing the time in.

What is my point?  My point is that my relationship with food has changed.  I was addicted to food as a self-comforting device.  This couldn’t continue and I am pleased to say that I am well on my way to no longer doing this…..I’m not perfect, it still happens occasionally if I am completely honest with myself.  I used to think that food was my enemy, food was the reason that I was fat BUT no food was not my enemy at all, it was my choices in the way I abused food that was the enemy not the food itself.

So this is where my mentality around food has changed that he been a major catalyst to my success so far.  Food is not my enemy, food is my fuel.  Food is not a treatment to my immediate needs, I am the treatment to my immediate needs.  I need food to fuel my body for it to function, I do not need food for immediate emotional or situational gratification.

My sleeve has obviously supported these changes within myself to address my portion control.  I now see that Percy has limited real estate so I am going to make sure whatever I put in there is the best of the best!! I am going to fill Percy with prime real estate so that I can get all of the fuel, in the form of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, that I need for me to live my life in my new happier and healthier lifestyle.

So I revert back to the original question of will I ever enjoy food again?

In fact I actually enjoy food MORE now than I did pre-surgery.  Food is my friend, it is not my enemy. Food provides me with the fuel and nutrition I need to live and sustain my new happy and active lifestyle.  I am enjoying the flavours, textures and visual appeal of food so much more than pre-surgery.  I am taking the time to appreciate each mouthful, each flavour rather than inhaling massive portions of food to meet my emotional cravings.

So yes, I do enjoy food! I love food, I love the visual appeal, I love the flavour profiles….…post-surgery this love is just served in tea party portions.