WHMP: 12 July 2017

Weigh in Wednesday 

This week – 0.9kg

Since surgery – 43.8kg

Total – 62.7kg

Well I have finally broken my stall but I’m not gonna lie I am more than a little disappointed that I didn’t crack 1kg given my 6 high calorie workouts in the last week.

Yes, yes I know muscle weighs more than fat but there is no chance in hell I have had muscle action that quickly. They are still yelling at me too much!

Tonight I’m getting ready to go away for a few days which means I will lose my gym mojo but I will do what I can while I’m away and kick back into gear when I’m back home again!

WHMP: 11 July 2017

Well I did it! 

I am officially a gym member. I signed up for 6 months to give it a good crack. I have also schedule my first PT session to help me set up a program on how to use the equipment to beat achieve my goals. I will see where to next after the session but I’m pretty determine to push myself every session a little bit more even I don’t even remotely enjoy the gym yet!

This morning I had a lovely catch up with an ex-work colleague, who is also a dear friend, for a coffee. I haven’t seen her since she left work in April. I was actually a little nervous about if she would notice any changes. 

Not sure why I was worried she was so complimentary with how far I have come and was saying the biggest changes she could see was in my legs. Not sure if that’s because it’s the first time in the 5 years I have known her that she have ever seen me in a pair of pants. Either way a reflection through someone else’s eyes is so important to get a true gauge of how I am tracking. So I will take it!

WHMP: 10 July 2017

Another work week and another powerhouse productive day!

I have decided in the cold weather I am having calorie creepage in the form of my beloved coffee, so I need to regroup and cut back on my coffee/caffeine intake. On the weekend I bought myself a cute little teapot and Cup and off I went to the T-bar before work to stock up on some tea.

Much to my surprised I really quite enjoyed the light freshness of it. It’s a delicious warm substitute for coffees.

Off i travelled to the gym tonight after Lochie was asleep and pushed myself more and more on the treadmill hitting incline 20 and knocking out 444 calories on the treadmill alone. My phone was even in tune with how I was feeling autocorrecting my text message from “treadmill” to “roadkill”.

WHMP: 9 July 2017

Gone are the days when I enjoy my fortnightly Sunday sleeping! Well I still slept in a little bit I decided to 4 go some of my sleeping and I got up and went to the gym. I went early so I could have access to that ladies gym and still get to spend the rest of the day as a family day.

40 minutes of cardio and I also did two rounds (20 minutes total) of weights with help from one of the other ladies in the room. I’m a bit sore in my upper body this afternoon so I must have ‘engaged’ some dormant muscles in my body.

Enjoyed it otherwise chilled out day with my little family. We were out most of the afternoon so before we left I put a slow cooker knowing we would only come home at Lachlan’s schedule dinner time. 

What I didn’t think about was what I was going to serve with my dinner.  Despite last time I tried rice it ended up in vomit, I had 2 tablespoons of rice. Well it stayed down this time but it did set quite heavy and I can honestly say I don’t miss eating rice one little bit!

WHMP: 8 July 2017

Today was a big win for the little guy which in return is an even bigger win for me! With his ASD he doesn’t adjust well to new environments and gets very distressed and anxious with the unknown and unfamiliar.  So I prepared him as much as I could with explaining what was coming but I just can never tell what the reaction is going to be!

Regardless, off we went to “Mummy’s gym” where Lochie was going off to the playroom (creche).  Apparently it’s not Daddy’s gum as Daddy doesn’t exercise hahaha

Once he was settled I got stuck into my cardio doing 20 minutes on the cross trainer and then 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I used the slow and steady speed approach again but pushed myself with the incline this time gradually increasing to incline setting of 15 which I held steady at for 2 and 1/2 minutes!  I was puffing like a freight train and hanging on for dear life as I felt like I was going to fall off if I let go.

BUT I did it…..I DID IT!!!! And in the process burnt over 410 calorie on the treadmill alone.

Then went to pick up the little guy from the creche.  He had a fantastic time, was extremely well behaved and even “helped” the ladies out with the babies in the room.  He even asked for more “Mummy’s gym” another day.  So that is that…..I have now decided when I get back I will be signing up for a full membership!

I can’t say I am even remotely enjoying it  yet but I can and will continue to push myself as much as I can!

I now just need to create a killer motivation playlist.

Spent the rest of the day cruising the shops with the family managing to clock up 6.1km or just over 8,500 steps on top of my gym session.


Food and fluids have been terrible today as I have been out and about and unorganised (which is very unlike me).  Tonight I am attempting fluid catch up.

Note to self…….DO NOT EAT BUTTERCREAM!!  Percy does not like it he will make you vomit!  I have been cake decorating tonight for a friend’s son’s birthday party tomorrow and once i finished I licked my finger, then KAPOW!!

Percy be heard…………NO to buttercream!


WHMP: 7 July 2017

So super busy at work today, like crazy out of control busy by tonight as I flopped on the couch exhausted at the end of a long week I thought to myself. You are a bloody champion!!

The amount of work that has passed through my desk this week has been phenomenal and it has been hard yakka rack your brains kind of work.

This time last year I can honestly say with my levels of sleep I would not have had the focus and stamina to achieve what I am achieving now.

So I can state another little win (or non scale victory) which I didn’t even consider before is that my focus and concentration has improved enabling me to tap into an internal strength I never knew I had to populate an improved quality of work in better time frames.

A win for me and for my employer!

WHMP: 6 July 2017

This morning I looked in the mirror and went “wow” have a look at you!! You have a real womanly shape and not just a big round blob shape. Perhaps just perhaps this damn stall has been what I needed for my brain to catch up.

My new found determination and focus has continued today with my third consecutive night at the gym. It’s so bloody difficult to get motivated when it’s so dark and cold but I pushed through and off I went.

Another 20 minutes on the cross trainer and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Tonight instead of pushing my speed on the treadmill I went slow and steady. I instead pushed myself on the incline setting getting up to the incline of 10 for 5 constant minutes.

I can’t say I even remotely enjoy it yet but it’s gotta be done. I have set my goals and I WILL achieve them!

WHMP: 5 July 2017

Weigh in Wednesday

This week I haven’t lost anything, having said that I also haven’t gained.

It’s safe to say after last weeks tiny loss and this weeks status quo I am officially in my first stall. I knew they are an important part of the process and I know it will pass but I’m not going to lie, my brain does not like it one little bit!

I have however issued myself a challenge to test my strength, determination and will to push through this temporary barrier.

I have had a great day with my nutrition and fluids and a super productive day at work.

The little guy also obliged at bed time and had an early night without incident so I rugged up and hit the gym!

I did 20 minutes each on the treadmill and the cross trainer before the women’s room closed. Best of all I have the whole area to myself!

WHMP: 4 July 2017

Lately I have been going through some serious anxiety and guilt particularly around exercise (or lack there of). A combination of lost mojo, bad weather and a crazy schedule has severely messed with my exercise output.

Today I have taken the first steps to overcome this and to forge ahead in the direction I want and need to be moving.

I have signed up for a gym membership.

I sat in the car in the carpark for nearly 10 minutes framing myself out watching the fit and skinny stream of people going in almost psyching myself out that I did not belong there! But, I got out of the car, did the tour and ended up signing up for a 14 day trial membership, which I started straight away.

I did 30 minutes on the treadmill averaging 5kmph and varied the incline between 1-10, 20 minutes on the bike using the random resistance setting between levels 3-5. Then finished off doing 10 minutes on the cross trainer.

Managed to burn in excess of 640 calories which I am pretty over the moon with for my first gym effort.

I still don’t like the gym environment but I’m hoping that changes with time and as my confidence and fitness grows.

WHMP: 3 July 2017

Back to work so back to packing my lunchbox and focusing on proper food and nutriton!

I had a super early start so I had one more coffee than I would have liked to but realistically there are way worse things in the world!

I’m starting to really feel the cold these days. I am severely missing my insulation, particulate in the mornings…..but I DON’T WANT IT BACK!!

My body thermostat and my brain needs to catch up with the program and start adjusting.

I saw a colleague today who I haven’t seen in about six weeks, she was gobsmacked at how I was looking telling me that I am fading away.

It’s such a good and real reflection through someone else’s eyes that haven’t seen you in a while. Even hearing that I still feel a bit flat and deflated today (I am guessing from the cold) so I decided to do another face-off to help me refocus……yup that will do the trick.