WHMP: 2 May 2017

Motivation is the word of the day.  Tuesday, until 2pm, is the only time in the entire week I get any time to myself.  While I should have been catching up on sleep I had different plans.

I went and bought myself a second hand bike.

I will continue to push myself and get these exercise endorphin going through my body.  I attempted to get a helmet on the way home with no luck but motivated to take the new beast for a burn, I strapped on Lochie’s helmet and off I went.  All was going really well until I decided to mess around with the gears and after that she never rode the same again.  I will have to have a play another day and fix.

I did 1.6km which I guess is a pretty good start.  However two parts of my anatomy are screaming at me to buy another wider and more padded seat.

When I got home I was disappointed that I was only gone for a short amount of time so I put the bike away and decided to set off on a neighbourhood walk.

An hour, 5km and a wardrobe malfunction later I made it back home.

I was planning a therapeutic day of cooking and baking,  So once I got home I got stuck straight into the kitchen.

I was planing on making a protein enriched apple crumble slice, which failed however I salvaged the ingredients to make a chunky apple custard and a protein slab cake.  Made my French Onion Dip and I have no idea what i did wrong but it was thinner than soup so it got tossed out, couldn’t salvage that one.  I planned on making quinoa crackers but I ran out of time.

School pick up came around and I realised at 2pm I hadn’t eaten anything all day!  Quickly had some left over soup, unfortunately it didn’t sit very well because I ate it way too quickly!

Got home from school and the cooking continued making Chicken Kiev Balls for dinner.

Such a productive and delicious day, so much better than having a nap and sleeping my day away.

Day 7 – 8.7km, 7/50 – 32.1km

WHMP: 1 May 2017

This year is seriously passing in the blink of an eye!  It’s May!!!! That is bloody crazy.

Today I noticed three changes that are very random but worth mentioning.

The first and most noticeable is my skin and complexion.  The skin on my face is so much clearer with barely any blemishes and with good colour and not pasty and washed out.  I feel like I’m glowing with happiness.

The second us my elbows.  My elbows always used to be extremely coarse, dark and dry.  Now I have normal soft skinned regular coloured elbows.

The last being my ankles and legs.  Six months ago I was on diuretics for swelling in my legs and I had no definition in my ankles and I have water balloon like cankles instead.  No more, I now have normal ankles with no horrible achey swelling and fluid retention.  And never in a million years would I have started my morning with a walk like I did, especially with all the steep inclines I tackled today.

These crazy and random things I notice along the way!



Day 6 – 6.6km, 6/50 -23.4km

WHMP: 30 April 2017

I am not going to lie, the last three days have been freaking TERRIBLE!

The little man has been very off having hideous sleeps meaning over the last three nights I have had 2 1/2, 4 and 3 hours sleep respectively.  Even with my new found energy, tired doesn’t even begin to cover it.

As a result my food intake has been terrible,  protein levels haven’t been met and while awake for long durations in the middle of the night I have slipped back into bad habits of snacking for the brain and not for hunger.

My fluids have been terrible meaning I have had huge headaches, my plumbing has severe blockages.  I’ve been irritable, cranky, dizzy and quiet frankly a snappy miserable bitch!

I am also annoyed that I haven’t had any capacity to get any exercise into my schedule resulting in me feeling annoyed at myself.

However, it is what it is and I am doing the best I can to manage my new lifestyle with my life situation and at the end of the day Lachlan will always come first in anything I do with my day, even when he is at his worst!  All I can say is lucky he is cute!

Day 5 – 1.6km, 5/50 – 16.8km

WHMP: 28 April 2017

Today was a day of survival!


The little guy had a horrific night so I endured an intense amount of stress and only managed about 3 hours (generously) of sleep.  I’m not built to function on so little sleep!

Food intake was low, too tired to eat
Fluid intake was, too tired to drink
Exercise was non-existent! Needed to keep my calories in tact to attempt to function!

I got through the day but an early night is called for!  I will regroup tomorrow when I am a functioning human again.

Day 3 – 1.4km 3/50 – 12.1km

WHMP: 27 April 2017

I woke up this morning with the whole house still asleep so I decided to set off for a walk.  Managed 4km and in typical Holly style my walks always seem to have some kind of event to report on.

First thing was I passed someone.  I know it’s not a race and everyone goes at their own pace but I’m the womble that people normally steams past me.  Not today!!  This was a big achievement for me.  I have also discovered my pace is much faster when I am using my phone while watching the screen, this however does have two specific downfalls!

You miss the turn offs to the area that you know and you end up lost.  Thank goodness for Google maps!

It also poses somewhat of a safety risk, obviously I don’t use my phone while crossing the road but today walking down the footpath minding my own business I completely in a bubble and walked into a wheelie bin!  Lets hope the owners weren’t looking out the window or they would have had a good giggle.

I worked remotely today and going for a walk before work really gave me an amazing kick start to the day and my concentration and focus was totally on point, knocking out a colossal amount of work.  I can’t remember the last time I felt like I have had such a productive day.

Also snuck in an extra 2km walk after dinner to walk to the post office box to drop something in to the mail.  Day topped out with almost 6.5km.  This is a great start to the challenge I’ve agreed to talk part in doing 100km in 50 days. So today I’m dubbing as day 2.  Who is going to join me?

Day 1 – 4.2km, Day 2 – 6.5km, 2/50 – 10.7km

WHMP: 12 April 2017

WHMP: 11 April 2017

WHMP: 10 April 2017

WHMP: 9 April 2017

WHMP: 8 April 2017