WHMP: 7 April 2017

WHMP: 6 April 2017

WHMP: 26 April 2017

Weigh in Wednesday
This week – 1.1kg
Since surgery – 33.8kg
Total – 52.7kg

Once again I have stunned and prepared myself for a stall or a gain but once again my body continues to shock and astound myself.

So I have noticed a huge difference in one aspect of my life now the seasons are starting to change. Holy crap!!!!! I have NEVER in my life felt so cold.  Last night I spent the night curled up under a blanket rugged up.  Bedtime came and I don’t actually own any winter pajamas so snuggled down under the doona but had to get up in the middle of the night and put on a jumper.  My body is not used to less insulation and my goodness I am feeling the cold.  I am going to have to invest in winter pajams and some ugg boots.

My sneakers have come out of post mud-wrestling retirement and I went for a walk.  Because I was on a time schedule I didn’t get to do the full 5km I have been doing while at Mum’s place but I did still manage 2.5km in under 30 minutes and completely destroyed by average minutes/kilometer time personal best to an even 11:00.

Got home from my walk showered then got ready for work.  Prior to taking my weekly weigh in selfie I always take one with my numbers paper.  This morning I took it and had a what the hell moment and I am in complete disbelief that it is me.  Who is that person?  That can NOT possibly be me? She looks somewhat pretty and not like a beluga whale!  I see it with my own eyes but I just don’t believe it.  I did a comparative photo and I am honestly in shock at the difference as I just can’t see it.

I had a weight loss wardrobe malfunction at work today.  At one point today I looked down and only one of my shirt buttons was still done up, thank goodness I had a singlet underneath.  Clearly the button holes have been stretched from previously clinging on for dear life during my fuller state and now being the floaty top it is the buttons clearly float out of the designated button hole.

At about 3pm this afternoon at work I started flat-lining.  Holly of the past would have resorted to chocolate, lollies, chips or coffee.  But I didn’t want to resort to crap food choices and I have already had my coffee quota for the day so instead I decided to push myself and get the blood pumping and do a stair run (well walk actually).

I shocked myself and went without having a break at all.  I work on the 6th floor and went up to the roof top exit and then back down to the third floor and back up to the 6th floor again.  It took me a while to get my breathe back but I did it and I felt freaking amazing and it certainly woke me up and  I was alert for the rest of the day.

I know I get a lot of people telling me in the weight loss community that I’m smashing it and kicking so many goals today I feel like it.  Today I can hold my head high and say I am so very proud of myself, of my strength and determination to achieve what I have so far and I have the passion and motivation to continue until I reach my goals.

WHMP: 25 April 2017

Anzac Day….one of my favourite days of the year…………lest we forget!

My shoes remain neglected! My day started at 4am thanks to an early start with Lochie.  By the time our friends came over late morning for lunch they got to witness the tired very low calorie filled zombie Holly.  Had to sneak in a 20 minute long blink on the couch while the boys cooked the BBQ.  After three quarters of a chicken skewer and 1/2 egg I tagged out but had enough calories to return life form.

Had a lovely lunch and afternoon with our friends and little people.

Afternoon came around and just as I was loading the playlists and finding my socks it started bucketing down!! Plan B….get on my exercise bike and the battery goes dead.  Go to replace the batteries and I have every size spare except the C size I needed.

I took this as a sign the universe was telling me my body needs to keep these calories in me to function.

So it may not have been the day I planned but I can still find positives of being surrounded by such amazing and supportive friends who while laughing at my zombie state, let me sneak in a nap!

WHMP: 24 April 2017

So my sneakers are sparkling clean and dry and ready to roll with some walking action.  My energy levels today did not seem to match this readiness of my shoes.

Normally I work on Mondays but took today off as an annual leave day because of school holidays, had a lovely day with the mighty mouse doing lots of educational play and learning which wasn’t great for steps or energy levels.

Anzac Day tomorrow so we have a houseful of friends over for a BBQ.  Because I am completely uncapable of not over catering particularly when it involves me being a host to people.  I spent most of my afternoon prepping salads, two of which I can’t or won’t eat.  Balancing new recipes is an interesting venture when you can’t taste things yourself.

I’ll let myself feel flat today, it’s bound to happen but I can guarantee tomorrow those sneakers will be put to use!

WHMP: 23 April 2017

Last night was a HORRIBLE night!!

The little man didn’t transition very well back home and bedtime was a long stressful and draining 4 hour process!  At the end of this time I was physically and emotionally spent and I so very badly wanted a piece of toast and a cup of tea.

I obliged  but using my Herman Brot protein bread as Percy doesn’t like white bread.  Thinking I made a wiser choice.  Percy was NOT happy and explicitly voices his distaste in my decision.  I don’t know if it was because it was the crust or if it was the time of the day I had it but I felt bloated and revolting for the next hour and then after that I proceeded to vomit for the next hour.  It’s normal to have a shower at 2am right?

Of course Lochie still woke for his middle of the night party and this meant by the time morning came around and my day was supposed to start I had only managed 4 and 1/2 hours of broken sleep. YAWN!!!

I managed to get my way through the day keeping said sleep interrupting child enterained, watered and fed, did the grocery shopped, cleaned the kitchen after a cook up, did some laundry and organised the toy room.   Luckily I snuck in a cheeky one hour nap when Jamie got home from work.

Somewhere tonight I got this random second wind and decided I wanted to go for a walk to clear my head.  Until I remember my sneakers were still coated in about 49kg of Lyrup mud.

So now instead of going for my walk I’m off to get my shoes into some kind of wearable and walk-able state.

WHMP: 22 April 2017

Today I traveled back to Adelaide from Mum’s place.   Because I knew my arse was going to be parked in the chair for multiple hours, I got up this morning and did a 5km walk enjoying the beautiful scenery before back to city walks.

Just in case a standard walk wasn’t enough for me I thought I would spice things up a bit and do some solo mud wrestling! Okay, okay, that sounds like too much fun and I in fact slipped on the wet muddy clay and went arse over tit!  Not at all graceful or elegant, in fact I am pretty sure I dropped like a sack of potatoes!

There were four positives out of my mud wrestling adventures:

  1. I wasn’t hurt
  2. It was on a vineyard track with no people or kangaroos around to witness
  3. I had to carry some extra weights for the last 1km of about 5kg of mud on my clothes and in my hair
  4. I had a massive abs workout from laughter when it happened and more so when I returned back to Mums and she cracked up in laughter seeing me.

Before my #mudgate situation I was absolutely delighted that the km split before that was my PB time by over 30 seconds.  A great sign of progression.

Food intake was less than desirable today as my normal 3 1/2 hours trip took nearly 5 hours thanks to a cranky and bored passenger in the back and since I didn’t eat my way through this stress I decided on coffee instead.  However, I think it wasn’t the greatest choice as it beyond bloated me and even had a cheeky vomit at Truro.  I think this was more because of the bite of Lochie’s chicken tender that was pure salt and oil.  Convenience foods are officially revolting!

A big thanks to my Mum for the last week but I’m glad to be back home.