Homemade Passata









Homemade Passata

Makes: approximately 1 litre

Homemade Passata



  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3 sprigs fresh oregano
  • 1.5kg fresh tomatoes
  • 1 chicken or vegetable stock cube
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar


Thermo Cooking Method:

  • Place quartered onion, garlic and oregano into the jug [Speed 8, 3 seconds]
  • Add in quartered tomatoes, stock cube and apple cider vinegar [Speed 1, 100 degrees, 30 minutes]
  • Remove the master cap from lid but sit steam basket over the hole to reduce splatter [Speed 1, ST/VAROMA temp, 5 minutes]
  • Allow the mixture to cook for at least 10 minutes then replace the master cap and sit steam basket over the master cap [Speed 4, 20 seconds]
  • Allow to cool for a further 20 minutes before placing in the fridge or dividing into single serve portions and freezing


Stove top Method:

  • Bring a stockpot of water to the boil and place in half of the tomatoes and allow to simmer for 60 seconds
  • Remove the tomatoes from the boiling water and plunge them into a sink full of iced water and sit for another 2 minutes
  • Remove the tomato from the iced water and peel the skin from the tomato
  • Repeat with the remaining tomatoes until all tomatoes are peeled
  • Empty out the stockpot
  • Place the finely diced onion and garlic and oregano leaves into the base of the stockpot with the stock cube and the vinegar
  • Place all tomatoes in the stock pot then gently press down on the tomatoes with a potato masher to release some of the juices
  • Place the lid on the stock pot and simmer over a medium low heat for 60 minutes to allow the tomatoes to break down
  • Use a stick blender to puree the mixture until smooth or allow to cool and transfer in batches to a food processor to process until smooth
  • If the passata is too runny for your preferences after being blended return to the stock pot and simmer undercovered for 5-10 minutes or until you  reach your desired conistency


Recipe Notes:

  • Store in the fridge in an airtight container for a maximum of 5 days
  • This recipe is freezer friendly to be consumed within 6 months

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Disclaimer: C4K Kitchen does not hold any responsibility for the consumer using this recipe including the storage guidelines and time frames recommended in the recipe notes.  The consumer holds all responsibilities to ensure that food hygiene and safety standards are adhered to.