Home#healthymumma Month 1, mid month measurements 

Month 1, mid month measurements 

Posted in : #healthymumma, Uncategorized on by : C4Kkitchen


With the Isagenix program you do your measurements at day one, day 11 and day 30.

Well day 11 was yesterday so this morning I have woken to do my first month mid measurements. I honestly was not expecting big numbers (if any) as I haven’t noticed or felt any changes in my body but have noticed the difference in how I have been feeling! I’ll come back to that shortly

Month 1, mid month measurements are in…..18.5cm across the 14 measurepoints.

Yup I’m happy with that ☺️

Coming back to what I mentioned before about what changes I have noticed…….The biggest change I have noticed is my sleep. I’m renowned for being a terrible sleeping waking in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep for anywhere between 1-3 hours. I now say goodbye to my middle of the night insomnia as I’m now sleeping through the night or if I do wake up for a ‘pit stop’ I’m straight back to sleep. The flow in effect from a decent nights sleep is beyond belief! I have more energy, I wake up in the morning ready to start my day not looking for the snooze button (yes I’m writing this at 5.45am), I’m also able to concentrate longer at work and my patience for the little button pusher and the big one too lol is remarkably much better.

While I haven’t noticed any visible changes to my body I have noticed that my skin is clearing up after going a bit blotchy while I was off the wagon.  My hair is looking a lot healthier and shinier and I haven’t broken a fingernail in a week which was nearly a daily occurance before that. Hello from my early morning no make up selfies….

Rightio, time to go get me morning shakes ready and kick of day 12.