WHMP: 16 April 2017


So my little guy, as most who know me personally would already know, know that he is pretty high intensity and is like an energiser bunny on a carton of red bull during the day and is a terrible sleeper waking in the middle of the night every night anywhere between 1-4 hours.  This is why I always in the past used to the rationale why I was so tired and exhausted everyday.  Today I had an amazing before and after reflection of how my life has changed so drastically already not only from a nutritional and exercise viewpoint, I have reflected on in the last week.

But today I am going to reflect more on me as a mother and household provider (aka chef, maid and cleaner).  I’m at mum’s place this week as she is helping out with childcare for school holidays and mum always loves when I visit as I always take over the kitchen and cook up a storm.  After dinner tonight we had a chat about how much my energy levels have changed.  Previously pre-surgery when visiting I would by the end of the day be absolutely exhausted slothed on the couch leaving “shit everywhere” from both Lochie and my cooking for Mum to clean up.  Tonight as we were sitting down playing a game of cards Mum commented on the fact that this afternoon she not only came home to a delicious sinner ready to eat but to a clean and tidy house as well.

This extra energy I am discovering everyday is making me a better mother and easily managing a tidier, more organised and cleaner household.  Even with my something challenging family situation.  Maybe, just maybe, I will be the next Australian Martha Stewart…..helping to keep a better home!