WHMP: 19 April 2017


This weeks weigh in has to come with a different set of scales disclaimer.  I’m at mum’s this Wednesday so using her scales rather than my regular ones.

This week: 1.5kg
Since surgery: 32.7kg
Total: 51.6kg

Gotta be happy with that.

Back to work today after an extra long weekend thanks to the Easter public holiday.  Working remotely as mum is looking after Lochie for the holidays.  I miss my little packed lunchbox and found with my organised selection of protein packed lunchbox fillers in the freezer it is much easier to manage my diet intake of both protein and calories.

Compared to the last two days I have been extremely sedentary.  My body has so rapidly adjusted to enjoying and craving movement and exercise that today I didn’t do anything and I am feeling fat bloated and frumpy.  Would have never thought that I would ever say those words….I miss and crave exercise!