WHMP: 24 April 2017


So my sneakers are sparkling clean and dry and ready to roll with some walking action.  My energy levels today did not seem to match this readiness of my shoes.

Normally I work on Mondays but took today off as an annual leave day because of school holidays, had a lovely day with the mighty mouse doing lots of educational play and learning which wasn’t great for steps or energy levels.

Anzac Day tomorrow so we have a houseful of friends over for a BBQ.  Because I am completely uncapable of not over catering particularly when it involves me being a host to people.  I spent most of my afternoon prepping salads, two of which I can’t or won’t eat.  Balancing new recipes is an interesting venture when you can’t taste things yourself.

I’ll let myself feel flat today, it’s bound to happen but I can guarantee tomorrow those sneakers will be put to use!
