WHMP: 1 May 2017

This year is seriously passing in the blink of an eye! It’s May!!!! That is bloody crazy.
Today I noticed three changes that are very random but worth mentioning.
The first and most noticeable is my skin and complexion. The skin on my face is so much clearer with barely any blemishes and with good colour and not pasty and washed out. I feel like I’m glowing with happiness.
The second us my elbows. My elbows always used to be extremely coarse, dark and dry. Now I have normal soft skinned regular coloured elbows.
The last being my ankles and legs. Six months ago I was on diuretics for swelling in my legs and I had no definition in my ankles and I have water balloon like cankles instead. No more, I now have normal ankles with no horrible achey swelling and fluid retention. And never in a million years would I have started my morning with a walk like I did, especially with all the steep inclines I tackled today.
These crazy and random things I notice along the way!
Day 6 – 6.6km, 6/50 -23.4km