WHMP: 10 May 2017

It’s Wednesday again, gosh that comes around so quickly every week
This week – 2.4kg
Since surgery – 37.1kg
Total – 56kg
Someonbody call an ambulance as I need to be resusication and to be picked up off the floor. I am in shock and complete disbelief that I am still managing to drop big numbers like this over 4 months post op.
Today I took the plunge and I have signed up for a 10 day gym trial and two PT sessions, first one is next Tuesday. I’m terrified and equally as excited at the same time.
I also bought some new fleecy pj’s to attempt to keep me warm but I bought them a size smaller while a little tight, they fit!!
Doesn’t every 35 year old need PJ’s with animal ears on their hoodie?
Day 15 – 5.1km, 15/50 – 69.3km