WHMP: 14 May 2017


Today is Mother’s Day. I am so very lucky to be extremely spoilt by my boys and my Mum.

I am clearly doing a sufficient amount of whinging about how cold I am this winter getting a new pair of flanneys pj’s and some kick arse ugg boots.

We then went for a family outing to the local play cafe. I walked there while the boys took the car. 

Jamie then decided to shout Chinese take away for lunch and also bought enough for dinner so I could have the night off of cooking. He has officially declared me a cheap date.

I bought a short soup for a massive $5 and I couldn’t finish it. I also bought a pack of 2 beef Satay skewers for dinner for a massive $5.50 and it took me two sittings just to finish one of the skewers. Lucky both of my boys like meaty left overs!

I have had such a lovely family day spending time doing things we wouldn’t have done 6 months ago.

The only thing wrong with today was that I didn’t get to see my Mum! She truly is a remarkable amazing woman who is an incredibly inspiring and motivated in supporting me.  If I turn out half the woman (as in ‘being’ not size) as my Mum is then I will be a’ok.

Thank you Mum for all your love and support, you are one hell of a woman and role model!

Day 19, 19/50 – 82.7g