WHMP: 16 May 2017


Today I firmly stepped outside my comfort zone.  Today I met the amazing Steve from Stronger Mind and Body Training.  I have signed up to two complimentary personal training session and a 10 day gym membership pass.  i got such a happy positive and motivating vibe from Steve and I feel that he really would be a great motivator and aide in my journey.

We had a chat about my goals, ambitions and motivators and then went through a 20 minute circuit.  I have two words…..SQUATS and PAIN!!!

Having said that for my first ever session in the gym I think I did pretty good.  I have booked in and I’m excited for next weeks session.

I then had a quick turn around to get home, have a shower then get to a work meeting at the airport.  it wasn’t until half way there that I realised I actually hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast and I hadn’t even considered lunch in my hurry to get there so instead of reorting to previous shitty but easy food options of take away I very quickly stopped at Woolworths and bought a packet of the new Tip Top Thins bread, a slice of cheese, some turkey, a handful of baby spinach and some aioli.  Quickly I made a sandwich to have on the go.

I am proud of myself for making this decision when I quite easily could have made different poor choices.  While I couldn’t finish it I am not so proud of myself that I ate as quickly as I did and it ended up getting stuck and I felt a bit yuck afterwards.

Moral of the story and lesson learnt that I need to be more organised with my food and I must must must eat a hell of a lot slower even when I’m in hurry.

Tonight in my motivated state I decided to sit down and so the numbers and calculations for if I was to sign up for the PT and the gym on an ongoing basis and much to my disappointment financially it just isn’t a viable option at all.

Not only that but to have the gym membership with my crazy schedule I would struggle to get to the gym more than once a week for my PT session so it really isn’t the best value for money.  So while I am frustrated that once again life gets in the way of having the capacity to do what I want and need at the required level of intensity.

Regardless of that I will keep doing as much as I can with the lifestyle I have, I love my life and I love my boys so first and forth most will always be my first priority.

Day 21 – 2.5km, 21/50 – 87.8km