WHMP: 17 May 2017

Weigh in Wednesday is here again.
This week the inevitable happened. I have had my first ever gain!
I knew it was going to happen one day and I have been preparing myself for it.
I can honestly say I’m 100% OK with it and if anything I almost feel a weird sense of relief that I have finally got my first gain out of the way!
I also know my last week hasn’t been nutritionally as good as some of my previous weeks making some still healthy but more carby choices and with Lochie’s worsening sleep I have been having and extra coffee every day and having an extra snack in the middle of the night during Party-time.
Regroup, refocus and back on track for a bigger and better next week.
I also remind myself that weight is only one measure of success and to stay on focused on the bigger picture
Day 22 – 2.7km, 22/50- 90.5km