WHMP: 2 May 2017

Motivation is the word of the day. Tuesday, until 2pm, is the only time in the entire week I get any time to myself. While I should have been catching up on sleep I had different plans.
I went and bought myself a second hand bike.
I will continue to push myself and get these exercise endorphin going through my body. I attempted to get a helmet on the way home with no luck but motivated to take the new beast for a burn, I strapped on Lochie’s helmet and off I went. All was going really well until I decided to mess around with the gears and after that she never rode the same again. I will have to have a play another day and fix.
I did 1.6km which I guess is a pretty good start. However two parts of my anatomy are screaming at me to buy another wider and more padded seat.
When I got home I was disappointed that I was only gone for a short amount of time so I put the bike away and decided to set off on a neighbourhood walk.
An hour, 5km and a wardrobe malfunction later I made it back home.
I was planning a therapeutic day of cooking and baking, So once I got home I got stuck straight into the kitchen.
I was planing on making a protein enriched apple crumble slice, which failed however I salvaged the ingredients to make a chunky apple custard and a protein slab cake. Made my French Onion Dip and I have no idea what i did wrong but it was thinner than soup so it got tossed out, couldn’t salvage that one. I planned on making quinoa crackers but I ran out of time.
School pick up came around and I realised at 2pm I hadn’t eaten anything all day! Quickly had some left over soup, unfortunately it didn’t sit very well because I ate it way too quickly!
Got home from school and the cooking continued making Chicken Kiev Balls for dinner.
Such a productive and delicious day, so much better than having a nap and sleeping my day away.
Day 7 – 8.7km, 7/50 – 32.1km