WHMP: 20 May 2017


Tonight Jamie and I had our first date night since before I started Opti back in October last year. 

I wore my first goal outfit being a dress I bought from City Chic. 

I had serious anxiety getting ready even though I ended up in my goal outfit.  Everything I wore I was so awkward and uncomfortable in and nothing seemed or felt right.

I am really looking forward to my appointment with my surgeon’s programs life coach toduscuss some of these issues!

Day 25 – 2.5km, 25/50 – 96.5km


  • Lyn

    You look absolutely stunning in that dress and the new hairstyle and colour. I am sure Jamie would have been very proud taking such a looker out for dinner. Don’t beat yourself up, focus on the positive reactions from your family, friends and colleagues. We all mean what we say. You are looking better and better and I am so jealous of that dress! Xxx