WHMP: 24 May 2017

Weigh in Wednesday is back again!
This week – 2kg
Since surgery – 38kg
Total – 56.9kg
Only 900g of the 2kg loss gets added to the kitty after my 1.1kg gain last week. I’m pleasantly surprised!
Today has quite frankly been brutal. It was my 6th consecutive night of a non-survivable amount of broken sleep. I was cranky, tired, exhausted, bumbling jabbering fool! Not at all sleeve related but life related. I did however survive my way though the day which 6-8 months ago quite simply I just wouldn’t have coped.
On my way home from work I did a spot of clearance retail therapy getting some track pants for $6. I bought one size too small. THEY FIT!!!! They are like a second skin but they bloody well fit!
Mum’s coming to help tonight so hoping for a decent night’s sleep!
Day 29, 29/50 – 109.6km