WHMP: 4 May 2017

Today I am going to talk wardrobe!
So the vast majority of my clothes I am still wearing are the same size as pre-surgery despite loosing in excess of 50kg. In hindsight I wore a very limited selection of my wardrobe that were ridiculously stretched and distorted to fit me or I had bought online from overseas so wasn’t a true reflection of Australian sizing.
It’s a weird feeling opening my wardrobe and pretty much having the option to wear most things in there. My past internet shops that were delivered but were too small and never fit are now coming into rotation. While the number indicates I’ve lost a massive amount of weight the fact I am still in the same number size in clothes really does play with my mind and makes me doubt and disbelieve my results so far.
Admittedly I am fitting into things that I’ve not worn for years or things I have bought and never worn before but that bloody number is STILL THE SAME!!!
Do I need to loose another 10kg, 20kg or 50kg before the clothes measure starts to change too!
I am also crazy self conscious with knowing how to dress to suit and flatter my changing body shape.
Yes, my wardrobe options have completely expanded and I have so many more choices but when I try things on I completely doubt myself and I only see the flaws.
Today I did celebrate my beloved little wins by wearing opaque tights. I have not comfortably worn opaque tights since before I was pregnant. I also wore a dress that I can’t even remember when I bought it but obviously have never worn before as it still had the tags on it. It was a lot more fitted than I am used to wearing so showed my shape rather than hiding and was patterned and colourful when I am used to wearing black on black with a pop of black on the side.
I felt very awkward and uncomfortable with a different style and colour and I could only see the flaws. Despite getting a massive amount of compliments on how good I looked today.
I still need to adjust my self belief!
Day 9 – 2.8km, 9/50 – 37.1km
You look amazing in that dress. Buy more, buy more. The legs are looking good as well. Just believe Holly, just believe.xx
Thanks Lyn 😘
Still adjusting to my new shape. I’ve had this dress for years and the first time I’ve worn it! Hopefully my brain will catch up soon x