WHMP: 7 May 2017


It was my nephew’s 6th birthday party today.  I’m still waiting for some kind of acknowledgement from my sister on how I am going so my anxiety getting ready to find an appropriate outfit was on an all time high!

Thank goodness for selfies, full length mirrors and supportive friends to pick my outfit for me as everything feels awkward and uncomfortable at the moment.

I also checked with the party menu before today and decided it would be better if I packed my own little lunchbox to take with me so I didn’t have any adverse reactions to any “party” foods.

Had a lovely day but no big surprise, still no comment from my Kim (my sister).  But Mum and one of Kim’s bridesmaids and long time friends both commented on how well and how nice I looked today.

Today exercise was non-existent and my plans of going for a long walk just didn’t happen.  Finding time in my busy life really is difficult but all I can do it keep on doing and trying the best I possibly can.

Tonight the little guy was overtired and loosing his shit at dinner time meaning I broke WLS rule #1
‘ thou shall not eat quickly’

Well I ate quickly and I feel revolting and feel like my entire meal is caught in my throat.  EAT SLOWLY is a mandatory thing these days as this discomfort sucks arse!!

Day 12 – 1.6km,  12/50 – 46.7km