WHMP: 13 June 2017

My normal Holly day has gone our the window this week as I had to change my work days around to go to a meeting. I can say hand on my heart I MISSED IT!!
I missed the time that I turn the music up, clear the brain of the daily routines and worries and simply just walk to some awesome beats.
Lachlan’s sleeping has been horrendous lately and not getting any better being awake anywhere between 2-5 hours in the middle of the night meaning I am awake for this duration too.
This has resulted in two less than desirable returning habits being my snacking in the middle of the night. I know half of this is habit but the other half is because I need a hit of calories to get and keep me functioning.
The other thing I am doing is having an extra coffee during the day which is adding in an decent whack of calories I’m not burning as I’m too damn tired and don’t have the time in my schedule to exercise.
Very nervous for tomorrow’s weigh in….60kg total is so close but it won’t happen tomorrow, I am sure of that!
Day 49 – 2.8km, 49/50 – 178km