WHMP: 17 June 2017

Today I experienced something that is very new for me. I had a successful shopping expedition! Normallly when I go shopping for clothes it’s crazy stressful experience that normally ends in tears.
Today I walked out happy with my purchases and also happy with the things I tried on, fitted and looked nice but didn’t buy. I think FINALLY that clothes number is starting to shift.
Previously I couldn’t shop in City Chic as the clothes were too small.
Last time Jamie and I had a date night I wore my first goal outfit of a City Chic XXL dress. Today I bought a City Chic dress in the size of XL. Not only is that smaller size but it wasn’t black and it was a cut that firstly defined my waist, which is something that I have always avoided like the plague and secondly didn’t resort to flaunting the girls. It was a nice surprise to wear something with shape that I was proud to wear! I also tried on a few other pieces which also fit and looked nice but opted not to purchase.
I also bought something that I have wanted but never been able to find one I like and that fitted. A nice knitted jumper, nothing extravagant or fancy just a nice and warm everyday too. Even better that it’s a size 22, somehow this jumper has skipped size 24 completely.
I realise sizing is so inconsistent and it’s probably a big cut but it’s a gratifying moment to see THAT number go down in the jumper I bought (and in the other four I tried on).
The entire purpose of this shopping trip was because tonight was date night again where it was so nice to see up and feel happy, confident, comfortable and I will continue with my positive self affirmations – I felt really pretty! It’s still weird to think of myself in this way but I kind of like it.
Day 53 – 5.2km, 53/50 – 194.8km
This is my last daily km check in as the page challenge finishes today. Happy to say I achieved well over the target 100km mark.