WHMP: 2 June 2017

Today I had an epiphany.
I think it’s a combination of my first before and after photos and also the time to acknowledge the existence of Frank! So I have been beating myself up with me still seeing the old me in the mirror and I’ve realised what is actually happening.
The issue is then in fact now at all. Now I am actually saying what is before me.
As I look at my before pictures I now realise my view of myself pre-surgery was the wrong view. I always knew that I was big and that I had put on way way way too much weight but I can honestly say I never remember looking in the mirror seeing the puffy uncomfortable sad and tired girl I see in these before photos.
Reality has sunk in that I was way larger than I ever acknowledged.
But the past is exactly that…..the past and I now choose to look forward and I like what I see!
Day 38 – 2.6km, 38/50 – 146.8km