WHMP: 20 June 2017

Today was a much better day for me all around. Physically, nutritionally and mentally.
Tuesday is my ‘me’ day and while I probably should have been doing domestics around the house, today I thought stuff it! I’m actually having a ‘me’ day.
I decided to check out the walking track recommended by the SSO in Lachlan’s classroom.
It was beautiful scenery along the path and I was enjoying my walk until 5 km in, I stopped and had an “oh shit” moment. I realised I still had to walk back that far. Oh well I did it….I walked 10km!!
Six months ago I wouldn’t have walked that distance over a two week period let alone walking that far in less than 2 hours!
Then when coming home I did a therapy bake/cook session which always makes me feel better cooking chicken sausage rolls, Chicken Stack, Wonton Ravioli and chocolate mousse all of course protein pimped healthy adaptations.
Tonight I also had some positive compliments at the little guys aqua therapy session this afternoon with one of the other mums )who has become a great friend) made a comment of how thin I am looking at the moment. I accepted the compliment graciously and said thank you.
I still feel awkward and uncomfortable in more form fitting and shapely clothes. Perhaps I need to start transitioning and getting used to showing instead of hiding my new emerging shape.
Today I am also weirdly not nervous about tomorrow’s way in result, I think I am learning every day to trust myself that I am making smart and sensible decisions to continue on the crazy rollercoasters to be the best version of myself.
I am slightly intrigued and excited wondering if I will hit that magical 60 kg total loss tomorrow?