WHMP: 22 June 2017


I had my six month post-op check up today with the bariatric GP. I officially hate the clinic scales however not overly stressed by the high number than the number on my home scales. I know this guy was there are 800 g heavier than mine and I was well…….fully clothed.

The first thing she said to me was “wow just wow”, She said she barely recognised me.  We had a really good chat on how everything is going. She is elated that I’m still managing a 1.6kg average loss per week at six months post-op. We also talked about managing my skin issues which are only going to get worse before it gets better, we have a management plan in place.

She then went on to talk about how proud and excited all of the staff are for me, not only for my personal achievement so far but also for all that I do to assist and support others on the same journey (apparently they have been watching my social media presence with pride.)

We then had a really interesting and in lightning conversation about the stigmatism and social judgement is associated with weight loss surgery. She made comment on how everything I am doing will hopefully help to break down the silly social perception.

So with the confidence in my I have decided to go public and make an open post on Facebook (my personal page) as the vast majority of my personal friends do not know about my surgery.

When I got home I got out of the car and I can honestly say I was shocked with my shadow. I have never seen my shadow looking so lean, there is no round basketball is hanging off of a chip and a gap between my legs!

Overall a great, positive and inspiring day. I have to have a routine set of bloods done to check all of my levels. Back to the dietician in six weeks and the bariatric GP in four months. I’m excited about where I will be at that point in time.