WHMP: 6 June 2017

My normal exercise day went out the window today as Jamie and I both had the day off so we head to the movies. It’s nice that my arse now comfortably fits and I no longer fidget and squirm trying to get comfortable in the sardine can.
I spent the afternoon with the little guy then tonight I was off to the “I love the 90’s” concert which was for a lovely dear friends hens show.
As per normal Holly-style, I couldn’t go anywhere without causing a potential scene. Mid-boogie my skirt ended up around my ankles, luckily I was wearing dark opaque tights and it was the middle of the dark dance floor so I think it went un-noticed! It may be time to retire my favourite skirt!
The other #littlewin I had was the I danced for 3 hours, in heels without any resting (or alcohol) and was completely fine. No pain, not revoltingly sweating, no struggling to keep up. Just you’re average person enjoying the concert. I was a great night! And 3 hours of incidental exercise for the win!
Day 42 – 4.6km, 42/50 -155.1km