HomeUncategorized WHMP: 26 July 2017

WHMP: 26 July 2017

Posted in : Uncategorized, When Holly Met Percy on by : C4Kkitchen


Weigh in Wednesday has been posting this week as I am still in hospital, I still am no closer to figuring out what is going on, I’m still on nil my mouth meanings it’s been nearly 48 hours since I have had anything to eat or drink. I would give my left leg for a cup of coffee!!!!

The chronic waves of pain have settled down in both their intensity and frequency with me only have 2 episodes today. However the constant aching and throbbing pain is still there. I have tried going without pain killers but it’s just so damn painful and uncomfortable without them.

My mind probably isn’t in the best place, I’m  of enjoying at all being here. Missing my boys and feeling guilty for being here instead of being at home where I should be.  Jamie bought Lachlan in to visit after school for a cuddle which was lovely to see my little man but I didn’t enjoy the worry on his face with seeing mummy not feel well and the distress on his face leaving me here when it was time to leave.

Tomorrow morning Lilian is supposed to be coming to see me so I am really hoping for some kind of update or treatment plan to fix whatever is going on.

I guess the silver lining is that whenever I do eventually get to weight in 2 days of not eating should give me a decent result.