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WHMP: 4 July 2017

Posted in : Uncategorized, When Holly Met Percy on by : C4Kkitchen


Lately I have been going through some serious anxiety and guilt particularly around exercise (or lack there of). A combination of lost mojo, bad weather and a crazy schedule has severely messed with my exercise output.

Today I have taken the first steps to overcome this and to forge ahead in the direction I want and need to be moving.

I have signed up for a gym membership.

I sat in the car in the carpark for nearly 10 minutes framing myself out watching the fit and skinny stream of people going in almost psyching myself out that I did not belong there! But, I got out of the car, did the tour and ended up signing up for a 14 day trial membership, which I started straight away.

I did 30 minutes on the treadmill averaging 5kmph and varied the incline between 1-10, 20 minutes on the bike using the random resistance setting between levels 3-5. Then finished off doing 10 minutes on the cross trainer.

Managed to burn in excess of 640 calories which I am pretty over the moon with for my first gym effort.

I still don’t like the gym environment but I’m hoping that changes with time and as my confidence and fitness grows.