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WHMP: 8 July 2017

Posted in : Uncategorized, When Holly Met Percy on by : C4Kkitchen


Today was a big win for the little guy which in return is an even bigger win for me! With his ASD he doesn’t adjust well to new environments and gets very distressed and anxious with the unknown and unfamiliar.  So I prepared him as much as I could with explaining what was coming but I just can never tell what the reaction is going to be!

Regardless, off we went to “Mummy’s gym” where Lochie was going off to the playroom (creche).  Apparently it’s not Daddy’s gum as Daddy doesn’t exercise hahaha

Once he was settled I got stuck into my cardio doing 20 minutes on the cross trainer and then 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I used the slow and steady speed approach again but pushed myself with the incline this time gradually increasing to incline setting of 15 which I held steady at for 2 and 1/2 minutes!  I was puffing like a freight train and hanging on for dear life as I felt like I was going to fall off if I let go.

BUT I did it…..I DID IT!!!! And in the process burnt over 410 calorie on the treadmill alone.

Then went to pick up the little guy from the creche.  He had a fantastic time, was extremely well behaved and even “helped” the ladies out with the babies in the room.  He even asked for more “Mummy’s gym” another day.  So that is that…..I have now decided when I get back I will be signing up for a full membership!

I can’t say I am even remotely enjoying it  yet but I can and will continue to push myself as much as I can!

I now just need to create a killer motivation playlist.

Spent the rest of the day cruising the shops with the family managing to clock up 6.1km or just over 8,500 steps on top of my gym session.


Food and fluids have been terrible today as I have been out and about and unorganised (which is very unlike me).  Tonight I am attempting fluid catch up.

Note to self…….DO NOT EAT BUTTERCREAM!!  Percy does not like it he will make you vomit!  I have been cake decorating tonight for a friend’s son’s birthday party tomorrow and once i finished I licked my finger, then KAPOW!!

Percy be heard…………NO to buttercream!