WHMP: 9 July 2017


Gone are the days when I enjoy my fortnightly Sunday sleeping! Well I still slept in a little bit I decided to 4 go some of my sleeping and I got up and went to the gym. I went early so I could have access to that ladies gym and still get to spend the rest of the day as a family day.

40 minutes of cardio and I also did two rounds (20 minutes total) of weights with help from one of the other ladies in the room. I’m a bit sore in my upper body this afternoon so I must have ‘engaged’ some dormant muscles in my body.

Enjoyed it otherwise chilled out day with my little family. We were out most of the afternoon so before we left I put a slow cooker knowing we would only come home at Lachlan’s schedule dinner time. 

What I didn’t think about was what I was going to serve with my dinner.  Despite last time I tried rice it ended up in vomit, I had 2 tablespoons of rice. Well it stayed down this time but it did set quite heavy and I can honestly say I don’t miss eating rice one little bit!