HomeWhen Holly Met Percy WHMP: 12 August 2017

WHMP: 12 August 2017

Comments : 2 Posted in : When Holly Met Percy on by : C4Kkitchen


After last nights Percy journal I had a bit of a nasty turn for the worst. I didn’t have an acute pain episode but I was feeling beyond nauseous and after a decent amount of dry retching my body decided it would follow through and unload the contents of my dinner. I felt revolting afterwards having severe dizziness and my constant pain was worse than normal. I finally got to sleep and woke up this morning feeling like nothing had gone wrong. Woke up with my normal level constant pain and discomfort.

I had plans to spend the day with Lachlan at my sisters house. My mum was sitting my nephew and niece today so we were going to spend the day together. It was so lovely to get out of the house despite being on pain killers I have to push through and get on with life.

The kids rode their bikes while mum and I walked to the playground while we were their Maddy (my niece) and I had to do a quick trip back to my sisters place for a pit stop. Miss muffet told me that I was walking to fast (first time in my life anyone has EVER said that to me 🤣😂😅) and decided she wanted to take the easier option – a ride on my shoulders, incidental exercise for me.

When we got back I was a bad Aunty as I made the kids sad as I had my cute little lunchbox and Max (my nephew) wanted to know where his lunchbox was too hahaha

The rest of the afternoon I not only surprised myself but I also think I surprised my mum where instead of just sitting on the arm of my sisters outdoor chairs (because my arse didn’t fit in the seats) and watching the kids play I actually got in there running around playing soccer with the kids. And not just for a couple minutes but for almost an hour. Max made my day by saying to me “Aunty Holly I am so happy that you are lots of fun now”.

After soccer it was apparently time for stacks on where I was the bottom of the pile and ended up doing a bit more incidental exercise by doing horsey rides with not one but two kids riding on my back…..having said that I have lost more than the both of them combined.

While I know I was probably pushing myself so much more than I probably should given how I have been lately but it was so good for my emotional state to be involved and to enjoy my time with these amazing little people despite the constant pain.

In the midst of playing is when my fun day took a turn for the worse. While we messing around Max accidentally kneed me in the belly in the exact spot where I have my pains. This induced my first acute pain episode in 5 days and all I could do was to lay silently on the lawn so I didn’t freak out any of the kids until is passed. Luckily Mum figured out pretty quickly what was going on and ushered the kids away from me until I had the capacity to move.

Once the pain subsided enough to move I toddled off to the couch amongst a hideous amount of dizziness and dry retching to have a 15 minute power nap to try and recover from the acute turn. Heading home I still felt nauseous and was slightly struggling having to pull over multiple times as I didn’t feel it was safe for me to drive and go have a little roadside vomit. It’s an early night in order for me tonight, I’m spent!


2 thoughts

  • Lyn Whiteway
    August 12, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    Oh Holly. You are beginning to frighten me. This constant pain you’re suffering must be happening for a reason. When do you see Lilian again? You are doing far too much I think, and I bet your mum feels exactly like me! You have to give yourself time to heal and regain strength . Have a lazy Sunday and rest up before you go back to work on Monday. Xxx

    • August 12, 2017 at 7:23 pm

      I’m off to the zoo tomorrow but I have all of the troops (adults) with me who will be keeping me in check. Off to see Lilian on Thursday this week