HomeUncategorized WHMP: 26 August 2017

WHMP: 26 August 2017

Posted in : Uncategorized, When Holly Met Percy on by : C4Kkitchen


Last night before Lachlan went to bed I promised him that I would take him to the gym playroom in the morning. Oh man on man did I regret my decision to make that promise when I was tired and would have been happy to stay at home……but one little man was very excited to be “going to the play room while mummy exercised”.

My gym buddy really is my best motivation to be the best possible version of myself.

This afternoon I could up with a girlfriend and I had a pair of pants on that I had recently found in my wardrobe only to be told that looked like pyjamas and before we went to dinner and movies it would necessary to go and buy new pants! For the record size 20 pants!!

The girls at work have been giving me loveable grief about my old full length cardigan being way to big and engulfing me like a tent and I have so far resisted the urge to get a new one knowing we will soon be heading to warmer weather however today I was talked into getting a new one…..a size 18!!! I have not owned any size 18 clothes in over 15 years.


It’s safe to say my sizes are rapidly dropping and my 5 bags that are going off to good will have been extended to 7 bags….I seem to have skipped 24’a completely and it feels amazing!!!