WHMP: 11 September 2017

Walking to work this morning I was overcome by a weird feeling. I felt like I blended into the masses walking down the mall.
I didn’t feel like I was that girl that people were looking at staring at silently being judged as THAT fat waddley chick who couldn’t even walk properly. I felt invisible amongst the masses.
While being invisible in terms of life is far from my life goals. I want to be someone that means something in this world but in this respect being one of the faceless sheep in the crowds, this made me feel invincible, made me feel normal. And this to me is a HUGE little win!
Back at work today it was a good thing for me as I packed my normal little lunchbox and off I went to reset myself back to my strict portion control and wiser choices after my somewhat undisciplined weekend of comfort eating after feeling so crappy from my cold! Feeling better for it already.