WHMP: 13 September 2017

Weigh in Wednesday!
A loss is a loss no matter how little it is 😀
This week – 0.1g
Since surgery – 53.6kg
Total – 72.5kg
I’m happy with that given I only went to the gym once in the last week and I know that my eating habits had a lot to be desired over the weekend.
I had a great day at work today, achieved lots, had a great meeting with my Executive Director receiving some amazing positive feedback….great for the mind to know that I am now only kicking goals in this sleeve journey that my professional life is also obtaining the rewards of the new and improved Holly.
One of my best friends has been saying that she was inspired by my healthy transformation and decided that she wanted to go to the gym with me. So tonight I dragged her along with me and she has signed up for a 30 day trial membership.
My gorgeous friend who weighs less than I have lost in total was worried that I was going to push her too hard and she couldn’t do it. Makes me proud but also slightly giggle that I’m still twice her weight and she is worried that I’ll out exercise her!
Cross trainer, 20 minutes – 338 cal
Stair master, 10 minutes – 200 cal
Bike, 10 minutes – 121 cal
Treadmill, 20 minutes – 324 cal
Total – 983 calories
A lot of calories and a lot of sweat from us both by the time we had finished!!