WHMP: 14 September 2017


So today was German day for my little guy at school. I channeled my inner German exchange past and baked from scratch traditional german pretzels.

They smelt amazing, looked amazing so I decided I stuff it, I don’t indulge on carby things very often and picked the smallest one and ate it. Tasted AMAZING……unfortunately Percy was not as impressed as I was and decided that the delicious pretzel had to exit the same way it entered! #vomittown

Ok ok Percy, I hear you loud and clear!

Yesterday my latest Zulily order arrived so today I decided it was time to debut another bargain dress. Feeling excited and feeling pretty and feeling in a massive amount of shock that this new dress that is a 2x, that’s right a 2x was almost baggy! Lots of compliments on my new dress and how everyone at work is so happy to see my evolution to happy, healthy and confident! And for someone who now has windsocks instead of boobs it was a nice compliments that I got told my boobs looked awesome today!

A quick 50 minute cardio session at the gym tonight knocking off 580 calories on the bike, stair master and espresso bike. Had a great chat with Anita (the PT who set up my intro program at the gym) and amongst the swearing at the bike as I was cycling up a 25% incline I managed to sustain a conversation comfortably. She is very impressed with my physical endurance and capabilities for someone my size and is so impressed with my commitment to keep pushing even thought I am constantly whinging and saying I hate the place the whole time I am there. And in the mean time it looks like in the near future I will be starting weekly PT sessions. Both exciting and terrifying!!