WHMP: 15 September 2017

Today was a mixed bag of random occurrences, a WTF kind of day!
Driving to work this morning as I clicked on my seatbelt and moved my seat forward I looked down and had a WTF moment. When I first started out on the crazy journey I had my seat right back and I couldn’t wear my seatbelt legally! I used to clip it in and then sit down and just pull the shoulder strap over my torso as it was all that used to fit and it “looked” like I was wearing a seatbelt.
Yet again this morning I had to adjust my seat forward a little bit more and the seatbelt is now so loose that I can extend it out to touch the steering wheel….WTF.
I got to work wearing my new Friday casuals of jeans and a nice top this resulted in my having two WTF moments! One was when I got to work and looked down and saw my legs, WTF they can’t be my skinny looking legs??
And then about half hour after that one of the girls I work with is also part time and we only see each other once a week and last week we didn’t cross paths. I walked past her desk this morning and said good morning, I got a bit of awkward reply. Later she admitted that she didn’t actually recognise me as I passed through. WTF….we have worked together for 4 years and she didn’t even recognise me lol
This got me thinking, do I really look unrecognisable? So I decided I should do a Friday face off and have a look….and yup it’s another WTF!
Walking to the carpark after work to head home I had my next WTF moment as I had a revelation that my feet have also gotten smaller. How did I find this out? As I was walking along minding my own business until all of a sudden my left foot decided to escape my shoe and I ended up completely stacking it! I was grateful for two things. Firstly, I wasn’t hurt – except for my abs from laughing so much and secondly that nobody was around to witness my loose foot shuffle dance act….aka the mega Stack hahaha
My final WTF moment of the day was only about 10 minutes before I started writing this post when I was curled up on the couch watching Americas Got Talent and I looked down and saw this weird shadow to realise that my collarbone is sticking out and clearly visible….WTF, is that normal?