WHMP: 18 September 2017


Today wasn’t just any Monday it’s Beast-Monday!

Any other Monday at work, nothing special just rolling through the motions of my day but I did feel pretty, and this is a weird feeling for me!?!?

Got home tonight and I NEVER thought I would say this and it feeling so weird to say this – I was so very much looking forward to going to the gym tonight! Excited for have some cheeky banter with the staff and to go sweat me butt off…..or away!!

As I was getting ready for the gym I put my gym Capri pants on and I can honestly say for the first time probably in my life I felt like I belonged in those pants and I didn’t look like a piece of raw meat that was shoved into a roast netting bag. I felt comfortable, content and ready!

Dragged Kimmie along with me again, cardio night tonight!

20 minutes on cross trainer – 262 calories

10 minutes on stair master – 203 calories

15 minutes on bike – 142 calories

5 more minutes on stair master – 97 calories

10 minutes on treadmill – 172 calories

Beast mode has been activated!!