WHMP: 23 September 2017

This morning I went and have my 6 months post op bloods taken. They may be 3 months late but better late than never right? Off to both my GP and my dietician on Thursday to review my results and progress.
After my tests I was starving as it was a fasting test and Lachlan decided to start out day at 4.30am and I was on route to the gym so decided to get something on the run. I got a BLT McMuffin without the mayo from McDonalds (bacon, Lettuce and tomato on an English muffin) this was the best of the options there however seemed to still be a bad option as Percy rejected it very vocally when I got to the gym.
My good friend Kimmie came with me again this morning and in all honesty neither of us where feeling the vibe of being there but we were both there regardless so would forge through the lack of desire. We started on the cross trainer (20 minutes – 181 calories), follow up by 3 sets of weights (377 calories) and then finished up with a cardio session on the espresso bikes. I let Kimmie pick the track since she always whinges I pick hard tracks hahaha well this time she picked an 8.6km track and well to say it wasn’t fun would be a glowing report. It was bloody horrible with hills profiles from steep decline to a rapidly changing torturous incline! Kimmie tagged out half way through the circuit but I was determined to finish that damn course and in the process burnt another 405 calories. Not a bad effort for someone who quite frankly couldn’t be arsed!
My hair has posed somewhat of a gym dilemma since it’s too short to put up anymore, had to shout myself some Nike headbands to try and keep things under control during my epic sweat fest sessions. Fashion fail but function victory lol
When I got home I did something I HATE and have always avoided like the plague…..gardening!! I have never liked gardening, I’m no good at it and quiet frankly I physically struggled. But this afternoon I spent 2 hours in the garden doing up weeks and preparing the veggie patch. I have even planted some tomatoes, capsicums and zucchinis seedlings. I have no idea how long they will live, I might be a whizz in the kitchen but I have a complete black thumb and generally look at plants and they die, but let’s give this gardening things a crack.
After that I found a box of clothes in the shed that I had forgotten about. Most of them have already missed there window of fitting and once washed will be heading straight to the Vinnies piles but I did retrieve my old favourite denim skirt that I used to pretty much live in about 8 or 9 summers ago, it hasn’t fit since before I met Jamie. Well it fits but I’m not sure for how long as I can already put it on and pull it off without using the button and zipper!
Excuse my wearing Jamie’s slippers I had just gotten out of the shower after my gym/gardening morning 😂
Tonight after dinner I felt like a wine. This is a bit of a weird feeling for me as I’m not really a big drinker since I have had Lachlan and since surgery I don’t have any interest in drinking at all not to mention I no longer enjoy the taste at all anymore. But piccolos are the perfect size for little Bariatric bellies…..even if it has taken me 2 hours to drink it!