WHMP: 25 September 2017

Today was a big day for me at work. I was asked to do a presentation to a group of executives at one of the major hospitals so decided that I wanted to put in a bit of effort to help make me feel confident and ready to do a confident and proud presentation.
Inspired by one of my beautiful sleeve sisters I decided to exposure my shoulders, this is something that I have not done in more years than I can even remember.
I look at my before photos and I looked like I was wearing shoulder pads of fat that were trying to eat my neck as it was essentially missing!
I can honestly say that I felt confident and proud of how my shape is evolving into what a healthy female shape should look like. I can hold my head up strong and proud of my achievements and feel grateful for my progress to date.
It’s amazing how your confidence grows beyond just my sleeve journey. My confidence as a whole is the best it has been in a long time, I feel like I delivered my presentation today to over 20 people with confidence and that I can be proud of my professional work as well. It’s not just my body that is changing – all of me is changing.
I have always been a self confident person, I have always known I am a good person, good mother with a kind heart but my body confidence has always been…..well frankly crap! I can feel this improving and changing every day, even with my all my skin issues which is a conversation for another day!! I feel like the outer Holly is becoming more in alignment with the inner Holly!
Tonight I could have stayed at home on the couch doing nothing but instead I pushed myself to head to the gym.
Cross trainer for 20 minutes (266 calories)
Stair master for 15 consecutive minutes (284 calories)
Finishing off with 10km on the espresso bike (422 calories).
I am so proud that I pushed myself to do 15 consecutive minutes on the stair master and I may have needed an oxygen tank to regain function but I did it!!
You are truely amazing Hun ❤️Xo
Your shoulders are amazing!! super jealous
Thanks Melina, it’s an odd feeling this being confident and happy with a part of my body