WHMP: 26 September 2017


Today was a shitty day! There is no other description for it. My normal day off to have some me time and to catch up on the household domestics and instead I had to go into work, but that’s ok, I’m pretty flexible and so be it.

It all went bad on our way to Lachlan’s aqua therapy session this afternoon when all of a sudden I hear “mummy lochie not feel well” and I turn around too my cherub with a face covered in blood! Needless to say his aqua therapy was aborted and after 40 minutes of my trying to stop his blood nose I ended up ringing our GP clinic and did an emergency dash there to get the situation sorted out.

All is ok, once we got the all clear from the doctor to go home the whole ordeal lasted a long and stressful hour and a half. What a lot of people probably don’t know is that my dear little cherub is low functioning Autistic (or level 3 on the ASD spectrum for those who are familiar with the new classification). So this 90 minutes felt like 5 hours that I was continually be screamed at dealing with a long, draining and continual meltdown.

BUT while this was stressful, draining and I did curl up and have a little cry when I got home I can gladly acknowledge that my capacity to deal with days like today are so much easier than they used to be. And I can thank my gorgeous little man for teaching me the inner strength and resilience that I have today and I really do love that dear little man with all my heart and I would never wish to change not even one single hair on his beautiful little head!!

And even on a bad day it’s important for me to stop and appreciate the good times. Like the massive cuddles, the I love you’d and asking for mummy to tuck him in….400 times every night!

Or when you rock up at the GP clinic you have been going to for 10 years and the office manager (OM) doesn’t recognise you. I walked in with Lachlan and the conversation went like this:

OM – oh good you are here, we have been expecting Lachlan. You must be Lachlan’s Aunty!

Me – big smile and giggle

OM – holy crap Holly, that’s you! You look incredible.

After my afternoon I wanted to curl up on the couch and feel miserable for myself but my gorgeous little cheer leader as I tucked him in one last time said to me “mummy go to the gym, mummy go exercise” so I took it the universe telling me that I needed to push through my want to slouch and to stay focused and head to the gym for some much needed me time!

I did go a little easier on myself burning 760 calories and was there for probably 20 minutes shorter. I started on the espresso bike and I know no idea why but thought I redo the city express track, which was the torture track with a 43% incline that I renamed the heart rate express! Much to my surprise I completely smashed my previous track time finishing the 9km track 2 minutes and 8 seconds quicker than the last time I did it.

I am also proud of myself for pushing myself out of my comfort zone and instead of using the seated cross trainer I used the standard upright cross trainer. I have always felt too big and uncoordinated on them before but since I had the cardio area to myself I thought why the hell not……and I did it 😀