WHMP: 8 September 2017

My cold has well and truly settled in! No pity party needed as it’s just a cold and I will survive. I have been made acutely aware of 2 major things that have changed since my surgery.
1. I’m ridiculously aware of my hydration now to the point that I have been walking around with a Powerade zero bottle in both hands.
2. Feeling unwell is a trigger for me with food for a quick fix to make myself feel better. Today I have found myself for the first time since surgery overeating, making bad choices and eating simply for the sake of eating. I am not upset or annoyed at myself, I do not feel guilty.
I am human after all! I am also using it as a learning opportunity. I feel empowered and enlightened that I have realised this fact so that in the future it’s something I can manage.
And because I needed a pick me up what better way to do it than a face off Friday!