WHMP: 12 October 2017

Today I had to take a day off work as it was the only day I couldn’t get child care for school holidays and I had a lovely day!!
Started the day off with baking a batch of protein Enriched apricot chicken sausage rolls! Nom nom nom
Lachlan and I then head off to the gym. He had fun in the “playroom” aka crèche and I knocked out an 800+ calorie cardio session. The honest of kids is hilarious…..get in the car to go home and I get told “mummy lets go home, you need a shower you stink” thanks mate!
I then spent the arvo with one of my nearest and dearest friends. Unfortunately I don’t get to see her as much as I would like but with colliding schedules, children and busy lives we are often like passing ships in the night. I haven’t seen her since about March. I think it’s say she was gobsmacked at my transformation! Mainly physically but also the other changes to do with energy levels, movement capabilities, happiness and confidence levels. It’s nice to have a photo with her and not have my head twice as big as her gorgeous face! This is from her Hens night late last year versus today.
I have also put myself out of my comfort zone and entered into a competition! I have entered to be the face of Never Look Back active wear to win 12 months of active wear…..this is pretty daunting for me to put myself out there like that and to share my before photos.
If you have a spare minute I would love for you to vote to me 😀