WHMP: 14 October 2017

Steps, steps and moreeeeeee steps today.
I was intending to go to the gym this morning but instead Mum and I decided to go for a walk with Lachlan. Off we went to the “Vines to Coast” tracks as I knew there were some playground stop off along the way.
It really is such a beautiful walk that doesn’t even remotely seem like your in the middle of the city.
On the way home we stopped off at the local shopping centre and after hitting up the shops getting everything we needed we went to the little Chinese restaurant in the mall. I am such a cheap date these days, for $5 I got a chicken and corn soup and a spring roll…..with a take home doggy bag!
Getting home continued on my current rampage of energy in the getting the gardens under control at home and spent over an hour doing heavy duty gardening, weed pulling, planting herbs and spraying the weeds. Followed up by about 4 loads of laundry! Life and managing being a domestic goddess is so much easier with all this next new energy.
Tonight Jamie and I had a night out kiddie free with 2 other couples that are our closest friends.
We had purchased a Scoopon voucher for an all you can eat (yes yes I know I am total value for money here) at an Indian restaurant. It’s actually quite funny when you look back at my amazing group of friends with their delicious plates loaded up with rice, naan and piles of delicious curries. And I come back with my plate with one piece of meat of the 4 different curries that I wanted to try after having a chicken skewer for my entree.
It was finished off with a dessert tasting platter and wow yum yum yum but soooooo much sugar and sweetness, the rosewater syrup dumpling was amazing but I could only have one tiny mouthful as it was ridiculously sweet but I did enjoy the mango Mousse even if I did only get through half of the shot glass of Mousse.
It was so nice to be comfort in a group of people that I don’t feel any difference with being socially included despite my obvious changes and differences these days. It’s also so nice to be comfort enough to talk frankly and freely about the good, the bad and the ugly of all the changes going on with my body to the point we even joked about a group trip to Thailand so that I can get my skin surgery.
Being surrounded by friends really is something to cherish and treasure in your life!
It was such a huge day which by the end of it I clocked up a massive amount of steps, ate out twice in a day, did a massive amount of domestic duties and had an amazing night out friends. Sleeve life certainly changes things, going out and eating out is different but manageable but I wouldn’t change it in a heartbeat. Sleeve life has saved my life – but I’m definitely too old to be getting home after 2am!!