WHMP: 15 October 2017

Today was day 1 of my 5 days of fluid…..however today it has been rebadged to day 0.
It was a beautiful sunny day and I had plans to catch up with some girls for lunch. So I started my day with a yoghurt, coffee and unicorn water while sneaking in another hour of gardening before I got ready to head to meet the girls.
I really do get socially awkward when I’m getting dressed as I am honestly clueless these days on how to dress to my new body shape and I am full of self doubt with everything I try on. But this is what I picked out. A re-homed dress from one sleeve sister and a re-homes cardy from another sleeve sister. The cardy is a MEDIUM from city Chic, 12 months ago I didn’t even fit into city Chic’s largest size.
On my way there I had an awkward moment that is a hilarious moment in the life of a sleever. As I was driving I had an episode of reflux so was fishing around in my handbag for a Quickeze. Found it, unwrapped it, chucked it in my mouth and very quickly spat it out! It wasn’t a Quickeze at all, it was a chicken stock cube. Talk about revolting!
As I mentioned things started off well with day 1 of fluids but it went slightly wayward at lunch time at a winery in McLaren Vale. The gourmet menu was absolutely delicious but they didn’t have anything liquid suitable so I settled for a tasty and luxurious mini cheese plate.
The waiter was somewhat hilarious, constantly trying to ask me what else I wanted to order and of I had enough to eat…..mate I can’t even finish what I had in front of me let alone considering ordering anything else!
I also today celebrated losing one of my best friends……not literally losing but numerically lost her! We have discovered that I have lost her entire weight…..I have lost a WHOLE FREAKING ADULT. And because I’m a visual person we decided to have some fun to recreate what it would be like to add that weight back onto my frame. How on earth did I manage to function and cope every day.
Such a beautiful day with some beautiful friends!
Back on deck tomorrow with day 1 of fluids!