WHMP: 18 October 2017

Weigh in Wednesday….
Not happy Jan!! This week I have gained 1kg…..this confirms the exact reasons why I am going this Holly-ified reset. Things have gone slightly off the rails and the train needs to get back on track and that’s what this fluids reset is all about.
My heart is not coping at all with this gain but my brain is giving me the same rational pep talk that I have given to others many times before. Gains and stalls are a normal part of the process, you’re body occasionally needs to pause so it can catch up with the process, muscle weighs more than fat, you’re centimetres are probably reducing even though your weight hasn’t changed, you maybe be heading into your monthly cycle, you are probably retaining fluid since you are so focused on fluids at the moment, it’s about your overall progress not just a snap shot of this week alone.
I know all of this and I agree and acknowledge of this BUT it still sucks knowing that I still have a bloody long way to go to reach my goals, I’m now 1kg further away from reaching my goal.
And I shouldn’t complain…….To date I have had a dream run with only one other small gain and one small fortnight where I stalled in my nearly 10 months post-op. Today I will let myself be miserable, tomorrow I will pull up my not so big anymore panties and regroup.
This confirmation has made me so focused on finishing this 5 days fluids flush and then reliving the textural nightmare that is 5 days or purees.
Day 3 of fluids is done. An coffee oak plus, cheesy cauliflower and broccoli soup, diet jelly and Beef pho broth today.
I’m not feeling any different but I am definitely feeling slightly lethargic and flat which would be from the lessened calories and protein intake but I will keep going to do what I need to do to continue to reach my goals and staying focused along the way.